Chapter Five

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Some time later you finally regained full consciousness to now take in your situation. It was early morning, still dark out even. Beginning to struggle you found you had wiggle room in your bindings. It would seem Johnny had reason to be so harsh towards his siblings.

"Abbie... Abbie" you hissed swinging side to side to reach and kick her awake. She weakly picked up her head to meet your gaze. "C'mon Abbie you can't give up. See you can probably break free too!"

"I tried YN... I already broke free once. The scrawny one cut me down to have his way with me, and I kicked him in the nuts before running off. He kept mumbling about needing a new breeder, and how he should be the man of the house. I probably would have been home free if that one fucker didn't come after me. You're just going to piss them off and they'll hurt you even more..."

"Breeder? Abbie it beats dying here without trying. My binds are almost loose enough for me to get out of see..."

"The Johnny guy bound mine pretty tight. I'm not gonna have enough in me to get out of here. Save yourself."

"We have to save the others Abbie they're around here somewh..."

"They're... did you really eat those beans like they said you did?"

"Abs...focus. We need to find our friends!"

"You already have. They're in the chili beans YN."

You stop struggling at this statement, just looking for any henceforth that Abbie was playing a sick joke, she remained serious. Feeling your stomach begin to churn as you thought back on how they watched you eat. They knew the whole time, and you... you just ate your friends...

"Yeah. They're cannibals. All of them. When they pulled up they seemed to want to help at first. Then once Andre got out the Johnny guy attacked him. I took off running, and the scrawny guy chased me down. I ran as hard as I could YN, but... I couldn't get away. After a while, he caught me when I face planted from exhaustion. He tied me up, and when we got to the car... I thought Andre was dead. He wasn't moving or anything... Johnny told the little one to tie Andre up too so he could go find Michelle. I...I really thought she was safe YN... she had a lead on them...but when Johnny came back... he... he had her over his shoulder with blood all over himself. He threw her down like waste in to the dirt. Andre and I screamed, Johnny threw her in the bed of the truck, and then punched Andre out again before threatening to do the same to me. I... just sat there... weeping .... Watching as they pulled us one by one in to the house. We were taken in to the basement with meat hooks strung from the ceiling. A bigger guy grabbed Michelle's corpse, and flung her up on to one of the hooks. Andre, and I were strung up side by side. I watched as he... he cut Michelle's fucking face off YN. I screamed at the sight, and in turn woke Andre back up. We both screamed...He never spoke a word the entire time, he just... made noises. The old woman came down, and praised him. She then said they were having dinner soon, and she'd need fresh meat. He... he grabbed the chainsaw hidden under the table between us. We... we he cut parts of Michelle off like she was... like she was cattle for slaughter... first it was just her leg... then he cut her stomach open... her guts... they poured out... the mom just wanted more... Some time later is when the scrawny one came down and started filling me up..."

"...I... I..."

"You couldn't of known YN..."

"So Andre could still...Mike..."

"I... I don't know YN, but it's suicidal to go in there...Did they get him?"

"We... we have to do something Abbie we can't just leave him down there. And no... he refused to come, he went back to the car last I saw him he was still trying to get service." you start struggling to break free from you bindings again.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now