Chapter Thirty

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Sat watching as Wes plays happily, worry free... occasionally he'd throw a toy your way. The lack of sleep the night prior weighing heavily on your body. Johnny having told you of the note from Nancy, you were confused why she would warn him. Maybe she genuinely did care for him to a capacity. Just her actions of obtaining, lying to him, and even... turning him in to a killer. He didn't deserve any of that, he was an innocent child. Just like... just like Wes. Staring him down as you accept this will be his reality one day. He's going to know only... only a life like this.

"YN!" Verna shouts from the door way, causing you to jump backwards in your seat.

"Jesus Christ Verna... what?"

"Go to bed... ya need sleep. Ya need to rest for that baby!"

"I... I can't. What if they show up?"

"Really now? Ya know we got this place locked down, this is our property. If anyone's gone know anything about anything round here it'll be us. Now ya go on, rest there or in ya bed... leave Wes to me, I got him. Them O'Connors ain't got that level if foolishness to em."

Reluctantly you take Verna on her offer, and slowly stand to your feet. Needing to apply pressure to your back with your hand. Your ankles had swollen so much already, walking was becoming more of a task than normal routine. Steadying your breathe as you instead opted to sleep on the couch. The stairs were a terrible idea for you at the moment.

"...YN...YN..." slowly opening your eyes to see Johnny shaking you.


"It's mid day darlin..."

Squinting you look out the window to Johnny and yours shared bedroom. You'd went to sleep in the couch, so being here now was confusing initially. 

"I brought ya up here... ya snoring was drowning out grandpas radio." he chuckled slightly.

"I... I don't snore..."

"Oh but you in fact do doll." he smirked looking you up and down.

"Johnny... not right now... I-"

"I'll be quick... we both really need this... all this stress... and I... I'm gonna meet Nancy later..."

"Are you trying to guilt trip me?"

He shakes his head no smiling.

"Yeah... right.. I'm hurting Johnny... a lot..."

"It relieves pain don't it? It's what ya told me months ago." he starts pouting.

Everything he said was right. It does help with pain, and your back aches were becoming worse. Now you were also feeling guilty for not sleeping with him if something did happen to him. It just didn't feel appropriate given the circumstances.

"Did you carry me up here, to wake me up and have sex?"

"Yea... don't worry they got everything handled, and I said I'd be quick..."

"No you're not! We're both getting off if we do have sex."

Without wasting another second so you couldn't change your mind. He was pulling your panties off from under your dress. His head disappearing under the fabric, feeling his warm breath and tongue clash in between your folds. Your back arching, and your hands gripping the sheets as he suckled your clit. Gasps and moans leaving your lips quietly. His tongue rapidly flicking your clit now, you notice how cold the room had gotten at your breast area. Johnnys head coming back up, as he started to undo his belt he stopped.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now