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"So he really hasn't called you yet? Not even a text maybe"

"Not at all. Makes me wonder if he really meant it though"

"Meant what?" Somi ask munchies her Pringles

"Well he did say if I really refused to marry Michael then I could kiss the family goodbye. He really wouldn't disown me because of some guy who hurt his own daughter right?"

"Oh my darling your dad is really mean though. Michael is bad news. A total jerk!"

"He definitely is right?" I say a smile creeping up my face. But it isn't a genuine one. It hides all the hurt I'm hiding within.

Did I ever love Micheal? I suppose I did at some point. I believed he loved me too. We got introduced by my dad since he worked as the head of the sales department in my dad's publishing company. I guess my father also fell for his stupid charms. Yes! That asshole was charming. We'd been dating for almost 2 years before the marriage proposal which I turned down because I heard his conversation in the shower that morning. I still have no idea whom he was speaking to but one thing was sure- Michael never loved me. He was obsessed with the idea of owing me and all the benefits of being my father's only son-in-law.


2 months ago

"Hey babe, could you make me a cup of coffee while I take a quick shower? There's an important meeting with some stakeholders today and your dad really wants me there" Michael said as he makes his way into the bathroom

"Sure. You want any creamer?" I asked as I dragged myself out of bed.

"No please"

I make my way into the kitchen and set the coffee maker running and I immediately remember I forgot to watch the latest episode of GoSe that was released. I hurried back into the room to grab my phone and words I hear from the bathroom make me stop in my tracks.

"Bro I'm not proposing because I love her. You already know the drill. I got my promotion 3 months ago and you know I'll never have made it this far if I wasn't dating her. Her birthday is this weekend and proposing then will definitely have her dad right where I want him. The man seems to love me even more than the daughter does."

There's a moment of silence and I take it that whoever is at the other end of the call is speaking.

"Ofcourse! We've been having issues lately and I don't know if she'll accept the Proposal but I'm going to be on my best behavior from now on. And if I'm Lucky enough I could finally get the cookie. You know what I mean"

The cookie?
The cookie??!!
Dear God!

My boyfriend is discussing having sex with me like he's listing out items to bake a simple cake!

"Yeah man, she's never really agreed for us to go all the way. You already know this shit and I'm not super interested anyways, I've always got my satisfaction whenever I wanted it but I need her pregnant because even if she turns down the Proposal, he dad will have her married to me the minute he finds out she's having my kid."

"Right bro! I mean she's a beauty but Celine's too damn stubborn. I've tried so many times to break her. You know have her where and how I want her but the bitch is just something else and I'm loosing it"

Another minute of silence

"I'm glad you feel my frustration. Even if she tries to end things with me, there's no escaping this one. Her dad is on my side and he'd really help knock some senses into her......."

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