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“To meet, to know, to love and then to part, is the sad tale of many a heart

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“To meet, to know, to love and then to part, is the sad tale of many a heart.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Never Not- Lauv
Our song - Anne Marie
Anymore - Jeon Somi


Mon, May 2

"Why were you with him Lu?" he demanded, voice laced with pain

We'd been standing in Woozi's dimly lit studio for over 5 minutes, none of us saying a word. Joshua stood at the opposite end of the room, his expression a tumultuous mix of heartache and anger. The room, which was a sanctuary for melodious music production suddenly felt like a battleground.

I never imagined that such a day would come where I'd have to hurt him, I hate myself now, I hate that I was the reason he had that painful look on his face and his shoulders hung so low.

The air was thick with tension, crackling like electricity between us.

"I asked you a question Celine, please answer me" he raised his head, eyes meeting mine.

I swallowed hard, eyes stained with tears "he. . . he just wanted to meet up and he couldn't come over the store. . . so. . . so I offered to stop by his studio briefly. I'm sorry . . . I didn't mean for any of that to happen, he___"

"He kissed you Celine" his face contorted with frustration. I searched his eyes, pleading for understanding.

"I. . . I didn't know he would. I __"

"You what?! You didn't know he'd kiss you? Are you listening to yourself Lu? For fucks sake, you said it yourself that he liked you, you knew he liked you, I walked in on him almost kissing you, he asked you out on a date, he sent you a dress and yet! . . . And yet you didn't think Chanyeol would kiss you once he got the chance to? Are you seriously that naive?"  His eyes, usually warm and inviting now bore into mine like shards of ice.

I felt so stupid. . . So foolish, I should never have agreed to meet with Chanyeol. How stupid of me to have ignored the writing on the wall and only think of him as a friend. He'd called this morning and asked to see me and I told him I was really busy, he said it could be just for a few minutes but he wasn't sure if coming to the store was a good idea since he'd been there so many times and it might be suspicious. After going back and forth with him, I asked him where he was and he said he'd be at his studio till night time. I told him I'll see him there and he sent the address.

I hadn't even spent 3 minutes with him when it happened. I was texting Joshua to let him know I'd see him at the dorm later that evening as I walked into Chanyeol's studio and he'd suddenly and unexpectedly pulled me to himself not giving me any time to know what was happening before his lips claimed mine in a kiss I really would never want to remember. In the midst of all the fuss, I never got to send the text but my fingers slipped and I'd dialed Joshua's phone. . . . . He'd picked just in time to figure out what was happening with me.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now