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After my brief talk with Som, we made our way back to join the guys. Hoshi and DK were already drunk, yet Hoshi was still insisting on playing some drinking games.

"Hoshi-ah that's enough for tonight, it's already past 10pm. We have a flight to catch tomorrow" Jeonghan scolds him

"You're traveling?" I ask. I was actually hoping I'd get some time to speak with Joshua and explain things so I could redeem my 'honor'

"Yes, they're off to Japan tomorrow" it's Somi that answers. There's a lot this girl isn't telling.

"You can join us if you want, there's enough space in my luggage" Dk says drunkenly, earning him a smack from Mingyu.

"Quit talking nonsense" Minghao adds obviously done with his brothers at this point.

"Did you need something?" Scoups ask and I shake my head, Jeonghan shoots me a knowing look smirking.

"Ahhhhh. . . . It's been a great night. I think I overfed" Dino says rubbing his tummy.

"You're so cute" Somi reaches out to pat his hand "you too Gyu" she adds smiling at Mingyu and I snort. After today, she's a few steps away from breaking up with her boyfriend.

"How are we riding home, I'm not driving, I forgot my glasses" I hear a voice and I do not need to be told who just spoke.

"Even if you had them, no one's letting you driving at night" it's Hao again. Man has zero filter! Everyone laughs at his words.

Clinking of chopsticks has us all turning in the direction of the noise and it's Vernon, still engrossed in his meal.

"Vernon?" Scoups calls him but he doesn't respond until Jun taps him

"Yeah,. Yeah" He looks up from his plate

"You finally came back to earth, we're leaving" Seungkwan blabs, rolling his eyes.

"There's only 4 cars so it'd be driven by those who didn't drink this evening" Jeonghan says looking at Hoshi and DK who are both wasted and held by Mingyu and woozi.

Jeonghan, Joshua, Woozi and Hao. I take note mentally.

". . . We'll be back by Friday, can you both come over on Saturday for a sleepover. . . game night or whatever. Just so these two can stop whining" Jeonghan adds Pointing at DK and Hoshi.

"Saturday night?!" I ask

"Yeah. Please come"

"Uhhhhh. . . ." Shit! I told Chanyeol I'd see him on Saturday too and shit! I hadn't said a word about it to Somi. I have to think of something fast, since Somi can't help me now because she's clueless.

"There's a spare room, or you room with me" Mingyu winks at me causing a few reactions from the members

" Jugeullae?" Woozi playfully adds and we laugh

"So? Saturday night. We'll pick you at 10" Scoups says looking at me waiting for an answer

I'm stuck between accepting their invitation and turning it down. The latter will be difficult to pull through because Somi has Zero knowledge of my plans for Saturday.

"Alright. I'd come"

"Finally, I thought I'd have to beat your ass first" she says excitedly

You'll still have my head when I tell you what's up

"Ride with me Celine?" Joshua says standing up, hands in his pocket not sparing me the usual gaze

"Who else was she going to ride with?" Hao scoffs

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