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As the days roll by, I get very much acquainted with Chris and again I must admit, he's really cool and easy to roll with. He introduced me to the other members over a video call and I'm very looking forward to meeting all of them especially the 'ice- creaaaam' guy since Chan promised that he'd make out time so we could grab dinner sometime soon.

It's nearing the end of March and today as the late evening sun streamed through the large windows casting a glow around the store, the delicate scent of fresh blooms hanging in the air, I'm standing in my very own floral kingdom.

Looking around the carefully arranged bouquets and vibrant blossoms, I'm proud of myself for the decision I took 5 months ago leaving home and Michael. Each flower symbolizes my resilience, newfound strength and independence. The shelves held an array of beautifully crafted potted plants, their vibrant greens a stark contrast to the grey memories of the past. I run my fingers gently on each leaf and petal, feeling a connection with every thing I care for.

My phone beeped with yet another order notification, the 29th for
today, I smile at the realization that my business was not so little anymore and it was thriving.

I quickly forward the oder to my assistants and walk back into my work station or as Somi calls it 'Private office' and this is because she'd seen me with Joshua here and I'd also met with Chanyeol here; we can as well add BangChan to the list now.

I begin arranging some flower pots at the top of the shelve as I bask in the warm glow of my achievements, knowing that my journey of self-discovery was far from over but I'm pretty determined to continue building a life that is truly mine. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that as I reached to place the last flower pot on the top shelve, a sudden warmth enveloped me and I felt gentle hands cover my eyes playfully.

I know that scent.

"Guess who?" a familiar voice whispered into my ears sending shivers down my spine.

Slowly, I removed his hands from eyes after carefully placing the flower pot and turned to face him, my eyes met his, filled with shock and wonder - Park Chanyeol.

He stood there wearing that very boyish smile and waved.

He stood there wearing that very boyish smile and waved

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"Chanyeol?!" I gasp

"It's Jagiya for you beautiful" he smirks

"You lost that name weeks ago. Don't come waltzing back here expecting to be called that"

"Ahhh! You're angry at me aren't you?" He reaches for my hand and I impulsively step back.

"Don't!" I stop him before he can touch me.

"This is cute, I wish I could film this. We're like a couple having a fight because you, my darling missed me too much"


He thinks I stepped back because of that? It's funny indeed. I only moved back because I was surprised he reached out to touch me. And a couple?

Couple who? What? How?

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now