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I open my eyes slowly, the morning sun peeking through the room

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I open my eyes slowly, the morning sun peeking through the room. Joshua sits beside me, his hand shielding my face from the sun rays. Squinting, I try to wake up fully, and he gently holds my hand, helping me sit up with a warm smile gracing his face.

He's really here.
It wasn't just a dream.

He tenderly fixes my usual, unruly morning hair, a tangled mess that looks like a wild party hosted by squirrels.

"Hi" He greets planting a soft kiss on my forehead, "Good morning, slept well?" his eyes studies my face. I smile back at him, nodding, I reply, "Better than I have in months," pausing to gaze into his eyes, "because you're here."

And I mean every word of it.

His thumb brushes my cheek as he reassures me, "And I'll always be," drawing me into a comforting embrace. We stay there, enveloped in a serene silence, listening to the rhythm of each other's breaths.

"Lu." He suddenly  calls me and  I respond with a hum.

"I love you." He says, fingers running through my hair.

I pull away slightly, tears gathering in my eyes. Trying to collect my words, I falter, but he gently hushes me with a peck on the lips, wiping away the tears. "Don't make yourself cry now. I know we need to talk, but let's get you some food first. Elle is already having breakfast in the kitchen," he says, guiding me towards the bathroom.

Squeezing toothpaste onto my brush, he hands it over to me and I mouth a 'thank you' before starting to brush my teeth. He watches me through the mirror, and I can't help but smile back, my mouth covered in foam.

"Need my help?"

"Don't baby me Jisoo . . . .I can brush my teeth just fine!" I snap playfully, continuing my morning routine as he observes, drawing patterns on my skin with his gaze.

"What are you doing?" He asks puzzled as I squeeze my legs, heading towards the toilet seat.

"Uhh . . . I need to wee?" I chuckle, settling down and letting the feeling of taking the first pee wash over me.

He turns away slightly, and I tease, "You've already seen me naked, what's the point?"

"Are you trying to get me to want to get you naked?" He retorts, smirking, a playful yet serious glint in his eyes as he walks out.

Damn you Hong Jisoo!

I finish my business in the bathroom and join Joshua in the kitchen, finding Elle already seated, indulging in the spread. After greeting her with a kiss on the cheek, I sit beside her marveling at the array of breakfast dishes adorning the table—scrambled eggs with avocado toast, fresh berries, and a pot of steaming oatmeal.

"Did you cook all these?" I inquire, turning to Elle, who shakes her head and points to Joshua.

"Your man did. You're so lucky, sis," Elle remarks with a mouthful, nudging my side playfully. I glance at Joshua, feeling my cheeks flush as he winks, sending a wave of warmth through me.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now