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"Celine?" Joshua's voice, tender and caring, calls out as we stand by the window, the moon casting a silvery glow upon us

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"Celine?" Joshua's voice, tender and caring, calls out as we stand by the window, the moon casting a silvery glow upon us. His arms, secure around my waist, create a comforting haven, and his breath against the nape of my neck sends delightful shivers down my spine.

"mm," I hum softly in response, savoring the tingling sensation his breath evokes on my skin.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," he apologizes, his voice laden with sincerity and remorse. His words tug at my heartstrings, each apology an echo of his genuine regret. We've spent the last hour discussing things from months past, opening old wounds yet allowing for the necessary healing. I finally had the chance to apologize for Jeonghan, he tells me it's partly his fault, dismissing it. He tells me about his connection with Zarin before his passing bringing fresh tears to my eyes. His grief mirrors mine, and I know he's just as affected by Zarin's death as I am.

I turn to face him, his arms still encircling me. As I hold his gaze, I gently cup his fingers, my thumb brushing away the tears forming in his eyes. A smile creeps onto my lips, mirrored by his, as I tease, "That's the millionth apology tonight. I might go deaf if there's one more, Jisoo."

"Tell me about the bracelet. Your mom says it's meaningful," I inquire, intertwining my hands around his neck.

"What does silver symbolize?" he asks, his eyes fixed on mine.

"Timelessness? Forever? Longevity?" I suggest, unsure of where this is leading but wanting to at least try.

"Good," he responds, visibly impressed, "and the wild rose?"

"Um... Love, passion, and loyalty," I answer, feeling more confident yet eager to hear his explanation.

"No way you'd miss that one, you have flowers as your babies," he remarks, planting a gentle kiss on my nose. The atmosphere between us swells with warmth, amplified by the soft melody playing in the background - his and DK's cover of '17 by Pink Sweat.

"I couldn't miss it," I chuckle softly, heart brimming with affection.

"And finally, the pearl?" he continues.

"Purity and elegance. That's what my mom says; that woman collects pearls for a living," I reply with a hint of amusement.

"And she's right," he affirms, his hold on my waist tightening as his expression turns serious.

"Okay..." I reply, my voice lowering in anticipation.

"I got that to give to you a long time ago. Remember when I said my mom wanted to speak with you?" I nod, recalling that game night. "That was when I ordered it. I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you all that time. No amount of words could express how truly sorry I am or how much I acted like a jerk. Seeing you hurt like that broke me, and I... I ran away like a complete idiot. But I want you to know that every word I'm saying to you now, I mean it."

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now