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Today is the fan sign and we're seated here with the other attendees waiting for the event to begin. All the happiness I had in the morning has probably flown out the window since I received a message from my father in the morning. This man chose to ruin my morning and I'm sure he's probably having a talk with Micheal about it.

My mother had informed me that my dad requested for my contact because he wanted to reach out which is why I'd been waiting for him to give me a call or a message but certainly not like the kind I got. Who am I kidding? Was I expecting him to suddenly change so soon? He probably might never change and I should get used to it.

But I'm hurting, I'm hurting so badly. I'm trying really hard not to dwell on the message but it's so hard!

Dad 🙎‍♂

I hope you understand the Shame you've brought to the family? We're supposed to be planning your wedding now Celine!

Are you happy now?
Michael is a mess.
After everything we've done for you, the least you could do is hold on to your relationship and get married!
Was that too much to ask for?
I'm willing to forgive you Celine, you're my little girl and I know you're still young and act stupidly sometimes but listen to your father and come back home.

Micheal is waiting for you.

Tears stung my eyes as I read every word of that message. Ha! One would hardly believe I'm actually my father's child but it's seems Michael is the reason my own father breathes. Michael is a mess? I brought shame to the family? I couldn't even keep a relationship? Was that even a relationship to begin with? If given the chance and choice, I'm most certain I'd never have looked in Michael's direction but I was trying to be a good girl and give in to what daddy wants but I guess I'll never be good enough for him.

And so at that very hour I made a decision never to expect anything from my father anymore, he clearly doesn't care about my feelings and I'm constantly hurting myself expecting he will ever regard me. I'm only but a shiny trophy for display and where I'm placed never matters as long as I'm nearby and can be seen and moved as pleased.

I can survive without him, at least I have my mother and Zarin. I won't even expect an apology from him. He can have Michael. I hope they stay happy together or go burn in hell. I was done being a good little girl!

Even though there's still that pain in my heart, I dressed up as simply as I could and made my way to the event with Somi. I really shouldn't allow this ruin the fun and excitement of meeting my favorites today. I have to try.

"Are you okay Lyn?" Somi finally ask touching my cheeks

"Yeah I'm good"

"I think not. You've been too quiet, right from the moment I picked you up and even all through the drive down here. You've not made a single comment on anything"

"Uhhhhh...... Maybe I'm just really nervous" I try to defend my myself.

Truly, I've been silent the entire time. I put so much effort into being here today and I'm really not making good use of it now. I opted for a simple outfit because I'd tried on over 4 different outfits and Somi was not impressed with any of them so I opted for a simple black leather pants and the closest shirt my hand landed on and thankfully it was a good match. Some white sneakers and my little black bag and I was done.

I decided to let my curls run free; not that I ever style it though, it's always either in a bun or just free to do whatever it likes on my head.

"Something's bothering you. I can feel it, I mean you didn't argue about all the outfits I made you change"

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