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Jeonghan's POV


"Still waiting for your response" Scoups sighs as he repeats himself for the third time trying to get Joshua to speak.

"I don't know"

"What the hell do you mean by you don't know?" I snap slightly frustrated at his response.

This is Joshua being Joshua. It's very visible he likes Celine, loves her maybe. We can smell the attraction between these two from miles away and We need to know what his plans are. What does he intend to do with those feelings, especially since Celine appears to feel the same way too.

Dating in our world is a complicated subject, even though love itself isn't meant to be complicated. Fans get easily judgemental of our choice of partners, sometimes even demanding that we remain single. Our job is very demanding and leaves us with little or no time to date but we're not totally innocent, not even our maknaes are. We've all hooked up with women at different times, especially during our oversea schedules. Few of us have also attempted having stable relationships but they all ended terribly, Joshua inclusive. She was a girl from his highschool since he wasn't keen on hooking up with random girls, thanks to his good morals?

She'd shown up one day at the company claiming with she was pregnant and Joshua said he couldn't be responsible because he'd used protection the only time they ever had sex which was less than 2 weeks ago. She made a scene that day and Joshua nearly lost it. She later apologized and claimed she 'felt' pregnant. They broke up after 3 months of dating secretly, away from public eyes. The only relationship he ever had that we knew of or he at least told us.

It's been over 2 years but Joshua is still so careful not to get tangled with anyone, the fear of things going wrong and the public coming after him or the girl, puts him off and he's been single since then. Even his mom teases him about it.

I've never caught him but I'm curious to know how he relives himself, I can't survive two years without sex. The thought of this alone makes me cold.

But that's Jisoo for you, he suppresses his feelings so others do not get hurt. He's the comforter of our group but he rarely ever let's anyone know when he's feeling low. And that's why I make it a duty to always go to his room daily to check up on him. I've been with him since our teenage years and I know him so well but still, he can be difficult to read, especially when he doesn't want anyone knowing what's going on with him.

He's not denying the fact that he likes Celine, he's just not saying anything on what he intends to do with those feelings. I know it's the fear of the past repeating itself or maybe the fear of the public?

God! it's frustrating seeing him like this.

"Chill Jeonghan" Scoups warns

"But it's clear as day that he likes her__" I continue

"And he's not denying"

"I know. We know. But Shua, are you going to pursue her? Get committed?" I turn to Joshua who's looking outside the window

"I'm trying to figure that out" that's all he says rather calmly

"You can't be trying to figure that out while kissing her and doing all sorts. Jesus Christ Jisoo, fuckin put a label to your relationship!"

"Why does it bother you so much?" Scoups ask shooting me a confused look

These two don't get it and it's getting on my nerves "because you're messing with her feelings" I pipe

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