201 11 17

Um.... This got too long so I moved the spice to the next chapter.


We found ourselves back in Korea last night, having possibly, probably..... overslept, after Joshua's mom insisted we stay over. Elle had called my phone five times that morning, revealing our plane had departed two hours ago. Fortunately, Joshua had a free week, allowing us an extra day with his mom and Elle. His mom promised to look after due to her pregnancy and lack of family around and I was super grateful because I wouldn't need to worry too much. 

Mingyu and Somi drove us home from the airport, I just wanted to sleep, my body sore from the long flight. Somi mentioned she'd be moving back to the apartment since I declined following Joshua to the dorm. I craved uninterrupted sleep without Boo Seungkwan, Hoshi, or Dk yelling down the hallway.

Joshua gathered the boxes, following me to my room to help place them properly as Mingyu makes Somi a hot cup of Horlicks. Once the boxes were carefully placed at a corner in the room, he drew me closer, his arms encircling me. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me to the dorm?" he asks playfully, a hint of mischief in his voice.

I shook my head, trying to conceal the blush creeping up my cheeks. "I really need some sleep. Your dorm can get a bit... lively," I reply, attempting to keep the conversion as innocent as possible.

He smirked, "I promise, no late-night shenanigans. I just wanted you close" 

"I-I uh, I meant your brothers screaming down the roof" 


We fell into a loaded silence, our gazes locked, communicating a depth of unspoken emotions. Suddenly, he broke the quietude, holding my stare firmly, causing my heart to flutter. I recognize the look in his eyes - a certain familiar longing.  I instinctively take a step back, unintentionally bumping into the wall.

Without averting his gaze, Joshua closes the distance between us. His fingers deftly gather my hair and tie it into a loose bun with a hair tie he found on the dresser. "You should take a warm bath and get to bed," he suggested softly, his touch gentle and reassuring.

"Okay," I replied in a hushed tone, entirely absorbed by his presence and the tenderness of his touch as he styles my head of curls.

Satisfied with his impromptu hairstyling, his eyes trace the line of my jaw, and I nervously bite my lower lip. Leaning in, he places a gentle kiss on my neck. It might have seemed innocent, but the touch of his lips against my bare skin filled my senses, momentarily making me forget my name, leaving me lost in a whirlwind of wild and unchaste sensation.

"See you tomorrow night, Lu" He whispered in my ears before walking out of the room.

Again, damn you Hong Jisoo! 

After Joshua headed back to the dorm with Mingyu, Somi and I settled into bed. Her pregnancy was unmistakable now, the bump is so visible and my heart swelled with joy – in four months, the sound of a baby's cry would fill this house. Somi's baby would be slightly older than Zarin's, Elle is due in March.

"Are you sure you want to sleep on my bed? I don't want to accidentally bump your belly," I voiced my concern as Somi nestled in, hugging her pregnancy pillow.

"Don't worry about it. I'm too thirsty to wait till tomorrow. I'll get cozy here and listen to your story about how you went to LA with Jeonghan and came back with Joshua," she grinned, munching on potato chips.

"Is there a time you're not eating, Som?" I teased, rolling my eyes at her. "And it's all junk food, for heaven's sake."

"When you're pregnant, you can move to the countryside and eat wild apples if that's your craving. Now, spill the beans," she retorted, and I chuckled, shaking my head.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now