13 💐

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Yet another morning, and I stirred awake but too lazy to get out of bed and take a shower. My hair is in a tangled mess and I probably look worse than Annabel right now.

It's been 3 days since the guys traveled to Japan and I haven't heard from Joshua yet. Not even 'Hi we arrived safely '. Jeonghan texted to let me know when they landed and he'd been checking up on Somi and I. I often spoke with the other members too, Minghao always had the words for me and we bickered on almost everything. Hoshi sends 3 text daily reminding me of the game night on Saturday, how can I forget? I'm looking forward to seeing someone too.

I reached for my phone, hoping to find a message from Joshua this once, but there was none, instead it's a photo from Scoups, couple of messages from Somi because she sends a sentence per text, ofcourse one from Minghao asking me to eat healthy, Dino asking me to save his ass from their bullying - but none from Joshua.

With a heavy sigh, I rise from the bed feeling the weight of the unspoken words and unanswered questions pressing down on me, I was even more miserable because the days crawled with agonizing slowness. My room seemed to echo with his silence, and I couldn't help but replay our moment together that night in my mind. Maybe it didn't mean much to him, but it meant a whole lot to me; his touch, the sincerity I thought I saw in his eyes, the taste of his kiss, his scent, and the electricity that sparked between us at that moment was etched in my memory, making the ache of 'missing him' more profound. Or maybe it's just my period mood talking.

But, I was longing for his touch, his voice, and the simple assurance that he felt the same way I did. I know Somi mentions repeatedly that Joshua likes me, Jeonghan tells her same, but I needed to hear it from him. I was already feeling miserable - almost stupid for not stopping him that night.

Maybe he thought of me an easy catch? After almost kissing Chanyeol, hours later, I was melting to his touch? Maybe even I would think the same way.

I needed to push these thoughts away for now and get ready because Somi was helping out at the store today and I'll get a scolding if she met me not dressed. Another glance at my phone and it was 6:30am. How the hell am I up so early?

Well, maybe because I can't sleep thanks to someone who consumes my thoughts and dreams at night.

I sigh again and stroll to the bed, the tangled sheets a glaring witness of my restless night. My phone suddenly rings and my fingers tightens around the sheets as I glance at the phone Screen - Joshua video calling me.


Isn't the universe so funny and bent of making a mockery of me? I've been wanting to talk to this man for days and yet, not a single text from him? Only to be called at 6:30am when I'm looking like a forgotten rag doll chewed out by an angry rottweiler?

The ringing stops and I let out a quick breath, I'll just send him a text, or maybe he'll think I'm still sleeping. My plans do not follow through as the phone begins to ring again, and nervous excitement surges through my veins, my heart racing at the possibilities of what he might say.

I quickly sit on the bed, fixing my phone on the stand so it self supports itself as I answer the call with trembling hands.

"Hi" I say as his beautiful face displays on my screen. I'm trying to sound confident, bold maybe?.

"Hey Celine, good morning. I didn't wake you did I?" He's flashing that gorgeous smile and I can't help it. My heart flutters at the sight.

"No . . . not at all. I was up a while ago"

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now