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Minghao and Jun were waiting for me outside and as I walked to them, Jun got out and opened the car door so I could get in. He looked amazing with his bleached hair and he flashed me a smile as he mouths a hello, bowing slightly. I sat at the back with Minghao at the driver's seat.

"Hi" I wave at no one in particular. I haven't met with all the members yet apart from that time at the fansign and I'm curious to know just how Jeonghan was able to convince these two to pick me up, with Jun not so much of a problem but Hao? Pffftttt!

"Annyeong Celine....good to see you. Again" Hao says as he glances at me through the rear mirror with his usual glasses on the bridge of his nose. He's mullet now in black, sit ever so proud on his head. Whoever created this hairstyle had Minghao in mind.

"You remember me?"

"Can we forget you?" Hao chuckles as he starts the car.


"Jeonghan Hyung made us wear to your bracelet today. Feels like one of the hyungs is about to announce his marriage to you today" Jun jokes and we all laugh

"I'm sorry he made you do that, you can take it off if you don't want to wear it"

"What?! I'm not taking it off. We all love it. It matches with most of our outfits so you'll often find us wearing it" Jun says and hold his hand up for me to see his bracelet.

"One peron seems to love it more because I've never seen him take it off" Hao adds smiling to himself

"Shua Hyung never takes it off. I don't know if it's because he loves beads or because it's you who made them so I..." Jun again says

"You don't know anything" Hao cuts him off and Jun laughs at his statement

"I didn't know you owned the store. That bouquet you sent for the baby was the prettiest I've seen. Made me want to have a baby . . . . . ." Jun prattles on and has me smiling

I notice Minghao glancing at me at intervals through the rear mirror and I shift in my seat praying the ride ends soon.

"You fought with Shua Hyung didn't you? He suddenly says as our eyes meet and I just blink not knowing how to respond to that.

"How do you know that? Jun voices.

"He was very excited when he left to pick you and then suddenly he has something to do? Plus I calculated the time It took to drive down here, I know he got here first but something happened and he left. And that's why Hyung asked us to pick you instead"


"Don't pay attention to him Celine" Jun says and I smile but deep down I'm not fine.

Did Joshua say something to Jeonghan? Or any of the members?

"How come I never see you drive Jun?" I change the subject and Hao sneers. I'm wondering if that was for me ignoring his question or was it because of what I just asked Jun.

"How??" I notice Jun's confusion.

"Well I watch a lot of your content. And it's either you're seated at the back or in between other members. I've never seen you drive"

"Ahh... what's the need when you have 12 brothers to do that" he answers nonchalantly


10 minutes later and we arrive at the restaurant, located in the heart of Seoul. As we step in through it's doors, a world of beauty and elegance unfolds before my eyes. The exterior exudes an inviting warmth, with wooden fittings adorning the space.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now