18 🔆

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"Lu?" He calls me, face so close to mine I could feel his warm breath

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"Lu?" He calls me, face so close to mine I could feel his warm breath.

"Mia has no reason to trouble you, Us, the company already warned her plus she knew she messed up. No one's going to trouble us mm?" He lifted my chin so my eyes meets his and my heart flutters

"Us. . . I__"

"Celine, about that. About us. . . I know it might appear rushed or maybe too early but___"

"Yes!" I blurt cutting him off

"Yes? Yes what"

"Uhh. . . . I thought you were asking me to be your ___"

"Yes" now it was my turn to be interrupted "of course I want that, I want you. I wasn't asking that exactly, I wanted to take you to a proper dinner . . . A date. Just the two of us, and I'd have asked you officially then___"

"God, I'm so silly" I covered my eyes, too embarrassed to look at him.

"No you're not" he removed my hands from my face and held my gaze "But, I'll take your response. You've accepted my proposal so you're officially my girl. I'll still take you out on that date. I just need to squeeze out some time from my schedule" I'm lost staring into his doe eyes.

I didn't exactly expect things to turn out this way but it felt so nice hearing him say that. At least now I know my feelings aren't one sided.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked and pecked my nose.

"Uhmm. . . I don't know what to say, but I'm glad my feelings. . . I mean_" I take a deep breath to recollect myself "I thought I was the only one feeling this way"

"I've liked you for a very long time Lu, longer than you'd ever imagine. After the event that day, I felt so lost and empty, even Jeonghan recognized you because I'd showed him your profile months back. I was shocked to see you that Sunday at the flower store but I was really happy. I wouldn't have kissed you all the times I did if I didn't have feelings for you Celine, true and deep feelings not just some sexual pull and push. I don't roll like that"

A smile creeped on my face as he said those words, I was also so red from blushing so much.

"I like you a lot too. Like a whole lot" I tell him as I stared into those dark orbs. His eyes scan my face and then lingered on my lips and I unconsciously lick my lips. He learned in till his forehead touched mine and close my eyes to the feeling of his hand stroking my cheeks.

He has an effect on me, one I couldn't resist, I didn't want to resist. He didn't have to speak before my heart and body yielded. It's like I was sculptured just for him.

Him only

He traces my chin and I feel his breath on my ears "I waited so long for you, I thought I was going crazy over a fan" he whispered and my body turns warm. His arm wraps round my waist pulling me closer till there was no space between us as we sat on the bed.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now