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Same time at PLEDIS...

THESE fuckers!

Fuming, I lean against the door, watching the rest of the members filter into the meeting room, Jeonghan and Joshua trailing in last. I grasp Joshua's shoulder, squeezing it firmly, meeting his gaze in silence. He reads the concern in my eyes, sighing as he moves to take a seat.

I know that look on his face, I recognize it anytime, any day. Joshua has been my brother for over ten years, and I can read him like an open book. I'm not going to sit back and watch him throw away the only thing he's ever desired - his relationship with Celine. Not when I'm the team leader and not when I'm still breathing.

Taking my place at the head of the table opposite the Chairman who sits at the other end of the table. I can see the confused look on the face of every executive and staff present in this room. Their darting eyes amuse me deep down; it's satisfying to unsettle them.

Clad in black leather jackets and shades, our grim countenances definitely resembles a cult, syndicate or something even more illicit, deliberately designed to rattle these bastards. I don't give a fuck because this is exactly what I want, what the rest of the members agreed. Well, except Joshua who doesn't know we came here ready to blow off the faces of these fucktards. He just wore whatever Jeonghan asked him to.

None of us has a smile on our faces - there's a twisted satisfaction in their discomfort. I want to rattle these jerks so badly.

My gaze sweeps the room, a wave of disdain washing over me. Aside from my members, a few reasonable team leads, and Yeji, the communications strategist, I want to throw everyone else here out the window.

Take a hike!

My eyes single out Jeonghan; another open book. He's here to support his brother, best friend, and soulmate. Even when it causes him so much pain, Jeonghan won't betray Joshua. He'll never speak about his feelings for Celine. I figured from the meeting that night in Japan. Jeonghan usually doesn't care, but you see he was beginning to care too much. Moreso, Jeonghan isn't interested in relationships - committed relationships. Occasional casual flings were his thing. So when I noticed him investing even more time and effort into Celine than he normally would or should, I knew my man was in too deep for her. But he doesn't know I know, but I do.

He is in love with Celine, his brother's girlfriend.

He also believes there's a scheme to cut Joshua off from the rest of the group. We know Joshua hasn't exactly been active these past months. He rarely shows up for practice, almost always silent. I'm still glad he isn't drowning his sorrows and woes in alcohol. Jeonghan believes someone is behind everything because Mingyu's girl is pregnant - worse, from a casual fling which has blossomed into a fine relationship and no one's cocking guns in their direction.

Jeonghan glances my way, sensing my stare, and I hold his gaze. He looks angry, and I know he is minutes from throwing a fit - I am too. I throw him a smirk, and he just nods.

Damn this bastards!

The chairman clears his throat, signifying the start of the meeting. Yeji passes some documents around to everyone. I glance at the paper in front of me and chuckle. She looks at me with a helpless expression, and I know she hates this too. Her eyes linger on mine for a short while before she moves on.

Why are you even the one distributing papers? Are you a fucking office assistant?

"I'm sure everyone has gotten their copy, we'll begin right away. I want this to be over soon as I have another meeting in twenty minutes, so this shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes." The chairman begins, those hideous glasses sitting lazily on his face.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now