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I sit in the car beside Jeonghan, raindrops streaking down the window, casting a blurry veil over the world outside. The silence is deafening - my attempts at conversation falls flat against his silence. Jeonghan won't talk to me. Guilt gnaws at me, knowing he only kissed me to protect me. I glance at him; his gaze fixed on the road, a mask of somberness veiling his features. I can't help but wonder if he's tormented by the same guilt and regret as I am. I convince myself that Jeonghan must feel terrible, forced to kiss me to divert attention, to save me. I blame myself for being so careless and putting him in a such a compromising position.

The ride soon ends and the hum of the car engine dies down, silence envelopes us. He's looking outside the window.

"Jeonghan" I call him but he doesn't respond. He's definitely ignoring me on purpose. I can't do any good can I? Why does chaos follow me everywhere?

I raise my hand and tap his shoulders to get his attention. He momentarily grabs my hand, looks at me before releasing it. Thankfully, He doesn't turn away this time so I can just say what's on my mind.

"I. ... I'm sorry Jeonghan. I should never have left the house. Somi asked me to wait for her but__"

"Goodnight Rap--Celine. You should get inside and get some sleep" he says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"You're not going to talk about it? Even when I know you're angry? I'm so sorry Jeonghan. I __"

"Celine, please." He mutters. His voice has such a painful tone it's almost unrecognizable. He's looking at me with those unreadable eyes and I feel a pang of hurt. I know usually he'd have come inside the house, maybe grab some hot choco for the cold and also see Somi but here we are and he can't wait to get rid of me. I've never been his favourite person but he tries still and I don't want to be blacklisted right now.

I take my cue and let myself out of the car, I stand by the door, hoping he'd say something but he doesn't say a word, and just drives away, leaving me with the cold rain and a heavier heart.

Walking into the house, Somi's panicked voice greets me, jarring me from the whirlwind of thoughts "God, Lyn! Where the hell were you? I told you not to look at your phone and I'm very sure you did" I walk past her and make my way into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"You really won't say anything? Look at you. ..." she touches my clothes and frowns "you're so soaked. You should have just stayed home Lyn, I too thought they were edited but seeing you now with your puffy eyes and Joshua's bracelet on your wrist it's going to hard to defend" she sighs leaning on the island.

"What the hell are you on about?" I snap, raising the glass to my lips. I needed to sooth my parched throat.

"The photos of you and Jeonghan kissing! Joshua has seen them too. . . . He's been____"

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now