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Sitting in the kitchen, relishing the breakfast Joshua prepared before heading out, my gaze shifts from the food in front of me to Jeonghan and Somi in the living room

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Sitting in the kitchen, relishing the breakfast Joshua prepared before heading out, my gaze shifts from the food in front of me to Jeonghan and Somi in the living room. Somi unable to keep shut about the situation is telling him about the pregnancy while waiting for Mingyu to come pick her up. Jeonghan is listening attentively; nodding and even smiling. His Calm demeanor is surprising.

Did he already know something about those two?

Was he expecting the news already?

Puzzled, I wonder if he already knows something I didn't. He doesn't even looked shocked. Still wondering, I raise the mug with both hands to my lips, the warmth spreading through my cold palms as I continue to observe Jeonghan. His eyes turn in my direction and he catches me staring, I almost choke on my coffee, embarrassing my entire generation. He smirks before turning away and I quickly divert my attention to my toast, attempting to fill my mouth to distract myself.

I'm still wondering why he is here. Ever since the incident when he kissed me, despite it being a protective gesture, he's distanced himself. The distance makes me uneasy. I can't shake off the feeling that he now resents me, maybe because I put him in that situation, if I'd listened to Somi and stayed home, that wouldn't have happened.

The memory of his unreadable expression when I regained consciousness at the hospital resurfaces. His eyes held a myriad of emotions. Does he despise me? Or is it himself he detests? Maybe he feels like he betrayed Joshua.

Questions swirl my head as I continue to take small bites of my toast which now taste like chalk.

Why is he here? It's evident he's not here for Somi, especially since Mingyu will arrive soon. What will happen once Somi leaves? Will he stay? I'm not sure if I can hold a proper conversation with him anymore. The mere thought weighs heavily on my mind. I dread losing friends. Though I might not be closest to Jeonghan, I value his friendship, and I know he cares deeply for his brothers, his members, and his friends-something I consider myself and Somi fortunate to be counted among. I recall how he took care of me all the time Joshua won't talk to me. Showing up at the house daily to check on me, sometimes staying till I fall asleep on days when Somi was on duty.

I don't know if he and Joshua had settled yet, DK had told me they fought after the kiss and things had become strained between them. I don't want to imagine them drifting apart because of me.


Could Jeonghan be here because of the pregnancy? Only Somi knows the truth about 'my pregnancy ' and since it's confirmed it's Mingyu she's frolicking with, I'm sure she hasn't told Jeonghan. I'm unsure if Joshua has told his members, as he mentioned he would.

Or perhaps Jeonghan wants to talk to me about Joshua? The thought that Jeonghan might reveal that Joshua wants to end our relationship makes my heart race. I know there's something Joshua wishes to discuss, but he's been holding back, I see it in his eyes, the way he looks at me when he thinks I can't see him, his faint smile - I know something is wrong but he won't say it. Yet, the anxiety gnaws at me, causing immense pain, my palms are begining to sweat and no, it's not from the coffee which is probably cold now, but the turmoil within me. I glance in Jeonghan's direction once more, our eyes meeting briefly. This time, he offers a small smile, and I quickly look away, tears pricking my eyes.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now