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A/n: I'll let you know when to play the song I added.

As the rays of the morning sun streamed through the curtains casting a glow across the room and hitting my face with it's warmth, I stirred from my slumber. My head throbbed as I attempted to stand up causing me to fall back in bed.

How is it already morning? And how am I in my room?

I blinked my eyes trying to recollect my thoughts just as the sunlight danced in the room. I groan and sit up slowly, my curls, tousled and cascading over my face and shoulders. The scent of stale alcohol lingered in the air.

What exactly happened?

My door squeaks open as someone makes their way in and hands me a glass of water, I squint my eyes trying to figure out who is in front of me as my vision is foggy.

"How wasted were you Lyn?!" I hear the familiar of Somi and I relax a bit.

"What happened" I ask as I take small sips of the honey water, the warm liquid soothing my parched throat.

"Oh honey I should be asking you that. Drink up and take those pills so you feel better. You have a lot of explaining to do. Go take a shower, you stink then come let's have breakfast and we can talk about your little escapade last night" she smirks and makes her way out of the room.

I drink up and hurriedly make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath getting rid of all that alcohol breath. After 40 minutes I'm all washed up and wearing clean shorts and an oversized shirt.

"You look human now" Somi says putting some pancakes on my plate.

"When did you wake up?" I ask her. She made pancakes and oats for breakfast. My stomach growls at the sight of food. I'm starving.

"I've been awake for over 2 hours. I didn't want to disturb your sleep seeing how wasted you were. Does your head still hurt?" She reaches out and touches my forehead

"A little. I feel better though" I'm stuffing my mouth with food. Oats isn't my favorite meal but I'm so hungry I could just chew on leaves if it'd satisfy me.

"Good. Now care to tell me what the hell was that last night?" She's almost snapping making me flinch.

"I did something bad didn't I?"

"Yep! And I need you to remember Lyn because I do not have all the details"

I put my spoon down and try to recollect my memories from last night. I remember we left the store after Jeonghan, Dino and Joshua left. We came home first because we had to dress up and head out to meet our friends, more like Somi's Friends at a club they'd chosen.

The club!

I immediately reach for the glass of water on the table, gulping it's content and shaking my head as the memories came flooding.

Music. Dance. Drinks. Him.


"I know that face Lyn, you remember right? Now start talking before I loose my patience you crazy girl!"

My memory of the previous night was a hazy montage of laughter, clinking of glasses and wild dance moves. I gingerly touch my forehead trying to remember who I danced with last night.

__________Last Night___________

__________Last Night___________

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