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"Ok. That's fine. Come with me Joshua" I respond to Dino avoiding Joshua's piercing gaze.

"Alright" I hear him respond following me to my work table.

"Uhmm what's the baby's gender? I forgot to find out from Jeonghan" I ask pretending to be busy as I scribbled absolute jargon on my notepad.

"A girl" he says as the atmosphere thickens with an unfamiliar feeling.

I'm trying really hard to concentrate and do a clean job but it's difficult with him around. Joshua Hong. Since that day at the fansign, I'd taken conscious effort not to dwell on the thoughts of him, it was pretty disturbing because in the past weeks I'd woken up in the middle of the night dreaming of him. It's just a crush. Lots of fan-girl's dream about their idols right?

"Do you have any flowers in mind?" I ask him still unable to look him in the face.

"Nope. Any suggestions?"

"Well, since it's for a new mom, pink roses, blue orchids and some confetti mum's will be great to show your support for the new parents"

"You're good at this aren't you?"


"Look at me" He suddenly says forcing me to look away from my notepad but still not looking at him.


"I said look. at. me. Celine" His voice is calm. He's not upset.

Why would he be?

"Alright I'm looking at you now Josh..."

"Shua. I told you to call me Shua" he says not letting me complete my sentence.

He's holding my gaze and I'm unable to read the look on his face.


"Why were you avoiding me?"

"I wasn't"


"Yes I wasn't avoiding you"

"Didn't seem so to me"

"Sorry if you felt that way" I say and force myself to look away

"You're looking away again"

"I can't stare at you all day, I need to start picking the flowers for your order"

"Alright. Go on"

I quickly move and begin picking out the flowers and laying them out neatly.

"I didn't think I'd see you again you know. But I'm glad" I hear him say and I just nod in acknowledgement and carry on with my task.

"Are you better now?" I flinch at the closeness when I feel him behind me.

When did he move this close?


"I'm asking if all is well with you now. Remember our first meeting? You cried" he says placing a ribbon in my hand.

"Yeah I'm great now. Thank you for asking"

I don't know why but Joshua makes me uncomfortable. Not the fan-girl nervousness or shyness. No. This is something I'm unable to explain and that's why I haven't told Somi about any of this yet.

I quickly wrap the flowers and place them in a bassinet designed flower box. Satisfied with my work, I take out my phone to take some photos but he quickly grabs the phone beating me to it.

"I'll do it"

"Alright sure" A few clicks later and he hands the phone over to me.

"Thank you for that" I say smiling but looking at my work

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now