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Please for the love of our mental health and humanity, play this song till the end of Somi's POV - Worship by Ari Abdul.


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I open the door to find Mingyu, excitement lighting up his face, holding my bag and flashing his charming smile, those beautiful fangs of his on display. Momentarily forgetting ourselves, we stand just staring until I come to my senses and step back, letting him in.

He walks in, taking in the room while I grab my glass of juice. As he mutters something, I turn to face him, trying to catch his words and I collide with his sturdy chest, spilling my orange juice on his shirt. Panic rushes through me, and I hurriedly grab my box of wet wipes to clean the mess. Mingyu stops me, his grip on my hand, sending unexpected tingles down my spine. I pull away hastily, apologizing for the mishap, feeling a bit too flustered by his proximity.

Fuck me! I can't even breath when he's close.

He should have just let me pick the bag tomorrow, why did he insist on bringing it this night? And why did Jeonghan allow him? I know my phone is important but I could just use my tab for the night.

"It's ok Somi, quit pacing around like a criminal. It was only an accident" he brushes it off in his usual calm demeanor. "Just get me another shirt, so I can at least have something on. I need to get back to the dorm"

"You're not serious right? Where am I supposed to get your size of shirt from? Even Celine can't wear my clothes because they're too small for her and then you think I'd have a shirt that'd fit a giant like you?" I scoff, citing all the reasons he should just let me clean his soiled shirt.

"Just get me an oversized shirt Somi" he chuckles.

"I don't have any of that. Also, I do not have any top brands. You wear designers right?" I ask, continuing to dissuade him.

"I'm serious Som, any shirt will do please" he pleads and I raise an eyebrow at the pet name.

I hesitate, teasingly questioning him if he's certain because my wardrobe can't boast of the high-end brands he's use to. It's not like I can't afford them, well, there are some I can't afford but I just find it tiring. Celine although, she never wears half of her clothes, surprisingly shops more than I do.

Mingyu steps closer, lifting my chin gently, locking eyes with me. "Just give me whatever you have, it's too late to call any of the members to bring me a shirt now. And I have to return to the dorm this night. You know we have an early flight to Japan tomorrow"

Lost in his gaze for a moment- the umpteenth time this night, my thoughts drift to the feeling of having his lips on mine, my tongue caressing those fangs that I can't seem to get enough of__

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