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Author's POV

After a long and exhausting day of dance practice, the members returned to the dorm later that night, had a rushed dinner and some hurried of to bed, too exhausted to partake in further activities.

Later that night, Jeonghan, Joshua and Woozi sat in the dimly lit sitting room, the atmosphere heavy with fatigue and tension. The room was illuminated by a soft, ambient glow, casting elongated shadows on the wall.

"Where is Scoups? He called this meeting, after a grueling day of practice, I want to sleep" Woozi said yawning,  irritation evident in his voice.

"Sorry. . . Sorry I'm here now. And why are you sitting in the dark?" Scoups said as he walked into the room, reaching for the light switch. "The call took longer than expected. Sorry" he apologized, and sat next to Woozi.

The room fell silent afterwards. Scoups takes a moment to look at Joshua who sat on the floor with his back against the sofa, his eyes closed. Jeonghan seemed occupied with his phone not raising his head once to recognize Scoup's presence.

Scoups finally spoke up, his voice edged with concern. "Shua, I think you need to tell Celine the truth. Telling her to keep away from Taehyung without any tangible reason isn't cool"

Joshua doesn't respond, neither does he open his eyes.

"You're hurting her" Jeonghan chimed in, his voice more gentle. "Clearly, you're more offended about Taehyung than what Yeol did. You know Celine is not that type of girl, you know she loves you. You can't even argue or try to deny that"

Joshua sighed, fingers running through his hair in frustration "I think I already messed things up. I . . . I was too shocked at the photos and then the sudden meeting with the. . . the higher ups just set me off. I didn't even know they were meeting outside her office and didn't you hear him? He said he likes her and wants to date her. So how___"

"You didn't say anything bro, you should have let him know you were already dating her. Tae doesn't know you two are together, I doubt Celine has mentioned it to him" Jeonghan said, cutting him short

"How could I say that? Do you know how I felt after being ushered into that room and shown pictures of my girlfriend with some other guy? . . .my friend? And the whole world is talking about 'their relationship'.

"But you know there's no relationship! She said he's never even mention such to __"

" Does Somi really report everything to you? How far gone are you with her?" Woozi asked, eyes fixed on Jeonghan

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jeonghan shot, brows raised.

"You know . . . You two are very close. How did you hear what Celine said if ___"

"I heard them talking in your stud__"

"You were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"I didn't mean to. I was worried about you two" Jeonghan said, his shoulders sagging but his expression remained defiant.

"So . . . You and Somi mmm?" Woozi continued

"There's nothing between them" Scoups clarifies, leaning forward, his voice a touch of stern "And let's not make this about Jeonghan and Somi. This is about Shua and Celine"

Woozi nodded, returning to his phone.

The room fell into silence once again, the weight of all that needed to said lingering in the air.

"She's not Mia you know"  Jeonghan said breaking the ice.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Joshua snapped, eyes darting in Jeonghan's direction.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now