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"I CAN'T believe he almost emptied the bottle. He's definitely his father," I tease with a gentle pace, holding Tae-Hyun in my arms, trying to coax a burp out of him.

It's been a week since Somi gave birth, and we're finally back home. Remembering everything that happened at the hospital brings a smile to my face. The chaos, the pain, and then the overwhelming joy of welcoming Tae-Hyun into the world.

"What do they mean I'm only 6cm dilated? It's been hours, and it hurts so badly… It hurts so much, Lyn___," Somi sobbed, clinging to me as another contraction hit her. She was walking around, hoping it would speed up her dilation.

I couldn't help but tear up seeing her in such agony. Rubbing her back and waist gently, I tried to comfort her as best as I could. She wanted me with her during delivery, and two hours later, Kim Tae-Hyun was born with Mingyu by her side also.

He's the most precious ray of sunshine you'd ever see on earth. Little Gyu was born with so much hair and the chubbiest cheeks - he's mum's eating really did pay off as he is indeed a giant baby weighing over 9lb,

"Ugh! He should be sucking my breast now… dammit! This hurts so much," Somi winces in pain, using an electric breast pump to extract milk.

She's just started lactating today after 7 days. The Doctor assured us it's normal and that the milk would flow soon. So we had to get a formula for him and Joshua being the godfather stressed the hell out of me in choosing one. He wanted the one made from plant based nutrients while I was ready to pick just about anyone that was on the list from the doctor's recommendation.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure that hurts a lot judging from how large they've suddenly become," I sympathize, seeing her discomfort.

"It hurts, Lyn. It hurts so much…jeez. They feel like rocks on my chest…ugh!" She sighs, rubbing her temples.

"Sorry. At least you'll find some relief after this," I say, smiling as Tae burps on my shoulder.

"Being a mom is harder than I imagined," Somi admits as I clean up Tae's spit-up.

At this point, I probably smell like milk, chamomile and baby vomit. Being his caregiver for five days since Somi's still not able to do some things because she had an episiotomy, I've learnt a lot about babies. This tiny human aggressively latches onto his bottle like his life depends on it- well truthfully it does, because it's food. And I honestly pity what would be become of Somi's nipples the moment he begins to suck.  He's always milk drunk, fights the air and he's always grabbing his own face - I bet even he thinks his cheeks are irresistible.  Joshua helped trim his nails because Mingyu and I were too afraid to do it.

Watching Joshua take care of the baby always warms my heart. He's so gentle.  He's been bathing Tae-Hyun with Mingyu since Somi got back from the hospital. Though the soap is already tear-free, he's always so careful making sure it doesn't enter the baby's eyes. My duty during bath time is to watch two grown ass men bath my godson while I make videos, and then I dress him up.

"He adores you," Somi says, her smile sweet as she watches me, "sorry we keep you and Shua up at night"

"I'm his second mom after all," I chuckle, gently placing Tae on the changing table for a diaper change.

"Of course you are. I'm sorry we keep you up at night," she says, reaching for the box of wet wipes. "No colic, so we're good."

"How did you learn so much about babies? I'm surprised you know more than I do already," she asks, amazed.

"Joshua," I shrug, finishing the diaper change. "No poop, just lots and lots of pee."

"He's good with Tae," Somi remarks, and I glance at her before refocusing on Tae-Hyun. She's finished expressing, and I spot over four milk bags.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now