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"Take your time, Celine" Scoups says after letting me in with a sympathetic nod. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze smiling in a bid to reassure me, knowing how miserable I am.

I tell him it will only take a moment to pick up the tab from Joshua's room, a task that now felt more like an emotional pilgrimage into what's left of us.

Stepping into the room, the flood of memories overwhelms me and I'm instantly regretting coming here, I should have just asked Jeonghan or any of the others to help me get it. This space had witnessed our shared laughter, whispered conversations, moments when he held me close, keeping me warm as sleep claimed us. I'm hit by nostalgia remembering all our intimate moments here, which now felt like a haunted museum. My eyes scan the room, landing on the table adorned with reminders of our beautiful moments from weeks ago-- photo frames capturing moments frozen in time. I pick one delicately with trembling hands, fingers tracing the contours of our faces, tears fill my eyes and I press the photo to my chest sobbing silently.

Everything was just so tiring. His silence was sniffing the light out of me. I don't even know where we stand anymore. His brothers tell me he always tries to know how I'm doing but I want him to ask me directly, I've called and texted so much and I'm sure my phone is tired too.

He's never responded or replied, I don't even know if he sees them. Usually he responds so fast, except for times when he's busy and away from his phone. I've met with people from the company to answer a few questions about me and Taehyung. I'm reminded of the NDA I signed, promising to never jeopardize my relationship with the members, the company recognizes my relationship with Joshua but is worried about the photos and the things being said online.

It would have been easier to just put up a notice and have Taehyung deny the whole rumor but he blew things up when he kissed my cheek after dropping me home and that was captured, at a very clear and perfect angle. My face was as clear as day and he was without his mask. I didn't think much of it the kiss on the cheek, maybe because culturally for me, it was a way of greeting but the photos do not exactly portray that.

Taehyung keeps apologizing and almost canceled the shoot but the company insists we go on and get it done soon. I haven't seen him either since the day the photos were released but he always called to ensure I was fine.

At this point I was willing to go public about my relationship with Joshua, but then it'd make things worse due to the photos that were already circulating.

Still lost in thoughts, I feel strong arms enveloping my waist, drawing me into a warm embrace. The familiarity of the touch and scent sends shivers down my spine and I know without a doubt-- it's Joshua, even though Scoups assured me that he was out already.

The silence between us speaks volumes as we stand here, his arms around me, head nestled into my neck and his heartbeat against my back. I close my eyes, enjoying his warmth afraid that it might only be a dream if I open my eyes, he plants a kiss on my neck and I clutch the frame even tighter, sucking in a breath.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now