17 💐

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Joshua and I got back to the dorm just in time to meet Mingyu, Wonwoo, Vernon and Scoups moving some things to the backyard to set up the barbeque stand, laughter and chatter filled the atmosphere.

Soon the backyard came alive with activity, we had to form teams so work could be distributed. Joshua and Minghao were in charge of grilling, Mingyu, Somi and Scoups handled every cooking in the kitchen. DK, Woozi and Seungkwan had to set up the Karaoke area in the sitting room. I had to work with Dino and Jeonghan in getting all the snacks sorted out while Hoshi, Wonwoo and Vernon focused on setting up the games area, choosing the games and a makeshift volleyball court. Scoups had to join Jun in making sure there was a wide selection of drinks, he'd been making a mess in the kitchen so Mingyu and Somi asked him to go help Jun instead.

"Hyung, you're always staring at noona. . . . you're behaving like a mother-in-law right now" Dino said as we laid out the snacks on the table in the sitting room. I had to pause and look at Jeonghan. Yep! he was definitely staring, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson as my eyes met his.

"He's definitely a mother-in-law Dino-yah. He wants to make sure I'm a good fit for his beloved friend" I quipped

"You've been staring at her since we got here. I'm sure Shua Hyung is already suffocated with your role. Maybe you should get yourself a girlfriend. Your loneliness isn't exactly helping" He says and Jeonghan doesn't respond, he just looks at me and smirks before walking away.

"I think you embarrassed him"

Dino snorts and shakes his head "I did not. Didn't you see that wicked smirk on his face. He's testing you. But I think it's enough, you and Shua hyung are already dating already, if you weren't a good choice, he wouldn't date you. Hyung is very picky. . . no, he's being careful, especially since the issue with Mia__"

"Who's Mia?" I ask  confused

" One word. Nuisance!"


"She's Joshua Hyung's ex"

I've never heard of her.


The tantalizing aroma of grilled meat and delicious food soon filled the air as we gathered round the spacious backyard.  So much food was laid out on the table, Mingyu, Somi, Joshua and Minghao cooked a storm. Wide array of grilled meats, various rice dishes, noodle, side dishes, amd dipping sauces. We agreed the snacks and desserts will be eaten during the games.

"Hey" I turn to see Joshua pulling a chair beside me to take a seat.

"I didn't see you for a while" I said with a smile

"I had to shower. All that smoke and the smell of raw meat. . . "

"Ok . . ." I leaned in to snif him "So fresh. I need to take a bath too, Somi didn't let me get home" I pout and he just laughs softly

"You can use my bathroom" Jeonghan says out of nowhere

"Ju geu lae?"Hao snaps causing a few of us to laugh

"It's safer to keep Celine and Shua apart, he's been single for so long, you might not be showering alone tonight" Woozi says so nonchalantly and I gasp

"As if you aren't single yourself" another Hao clap back

"Why so salty this evening?" Woonwu says

"He probably smoked all the peace he had away while grilling the meat" Dino says and the table erupts with laughter

"He needs to meditate" Scoups adds raising a glass of Soju to his lips

An hour later everyone is filled with food and drinks. We had just one hour to shower or change into more comfortable clothes or Pj's and gather in the sitting room for the games. I took a shower in Joshua's bathroom, Woozi made sure he left the room as I showered "nobody is conceiving babies tonight" he has said dragging Joshua out of the room.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now