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Sitting in the cozy kitchen, with Somi holding herself from whatever it is she wanted to say to me after I told her bits of what I remembered from last night.

I couldn't help but chuckle at my own wild adventures. I took a sip of my coffee and Somi raised an eyebrow unable to contain her laughter any longer.

Why is she laughing ?

"You don't remember him do you?" She's grinning at me as she ask

"I don't think I do" I confess

"He's a great guy. I don't know what planet you saved but the universe is really out to bless you this time"

"How is he a good guy?" I asked confused at her statement. I'm not saying he's a bad guy. Chris is great, but Somi isn't someone who'd easily say that especially after I got wasted last night after spending time with Chris.

"He was the one who texted me with your phone to come get you after you got excessively drunk and fell asleep"

"Oh!" I remember him typing something on my phone. I thought it was his number.

Am i disappointed that it wasn't his number he was saving?

"So you kissed him?" She's asking her eyes searching my face intently

"I didn't mean to. It just happened, maybe we got caught up in the moment"

"Hmmmm. Do you think you like him?"

"Ugh Som! Do I have to like every guy I share a moment with? That's why I didn't say a word about Joshua" I respond frustrated, the latter part said almost silently.

"I heard that! You think I forgot what I saw back at the store yesterday?. First at the fansign and now, that little not so innocent position I caught you in"

"There's nothing going on"

"Keep lying to yourself Lyn. I see the way he looks at you. And you? I caught you stealing glances at him. Did you notice he was wearing the bracelet you gave him?"

"You saw it it" I have no idea why there's so much excitement in my voice as I say that.

"Yes I did. And he excites you. You like Joshua. There's no denying and I think he's attracted to you too"

"Don't say things like that Som" I say but I'm blushing at the thought of Joshua liking me.

"Why? It's pretty glaring and others see it too" she says and immediately covers her mouth

"There's something you're not telling. Who's the others?"

"Find out for yourself Lyn. Even if I told you you'll only end up arguing"

"Did Jeonghan say something to you yesterday? I found it suspicious that you two took such a long time just to guide Scoups and the others on what to pick as gifts" I ask raising a brow at her

"Nope! He said nothing. C'mon I was meeting my bias wrecker and you think I'll let him off without having a decent conversation with him?" She's lying. She's hiding something.

"So what did you and Jeonghan talk about?

"Not telling. It's personal" She says and I scoff

"You're unbelievable Som. Since when did we start hiding stuff from each other?"

"Don't make this about me. We're discussing you, Joshua and the handsome stranger you frolicked with last night. You're very lucky he wasn't one of those guys, you might have ended up in his bed"

She says that and I shiver at the thought of what would have happened if Chris was some shitty guy and had taken advantage of my drunken state and taken me to his house and done things I cannot imagine.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now