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THE scene freezes, trapped in a moment of sheer horror. Every nerve in my body electrified, I feel as if I'm suffocating, drowning in a sea of revulsion and terror.

He had it all captured! Every single thing that happened that night. If it wasn't me and the man I love in that video I'd probably be throwing up now but my stomach churns knowing Michael The Devil Wilson watched me and Joshua having sex- two times! 

"H-how??__" I try to speak, but the words refuse to leave my throat. It feels constricted, gripped by an iron fist. 

"Oh darling, you know me too little. I have my ways. A few extra wads of cash, and she helped me place the camera at the right angle, and boy! What a show you made with him. Isn't he supposed to be a Church boy? I always knew you had it in you, baby. You got fucked twice in hours... I'm impressed." He laughs like the wretched, vile creature he is, while his fingers trace my cheek.

My eyes blur from the torrent of tears. I always knew Michael had his issues... but this? This is the worst kind of evil. A million thoughts race through my mind. He must have someone at PLEDIS working for him, doing his dirty bidding. Who? And now, the bigger question looming in my mind is why? What does he intend to do with the clip?

I lift my head to look at him, and for a moment, my two years with him flash before my eyes. From our first introduction to that one dance at the Gala, the way his eyes lingered on me all through the night. Our first date, the first time he kissed me... everything! Down to our first fight, the first time he used cruel words on me. I remember every painful memory of my relationship with Michael.

My chest constricts, making it impossible to voice the words I want to speak. I'm staring at the monster my father allowed to destroy me, ignoring his own daughter's pleas. He let Michael manipulate him like a pawn and puppet. How did I ever fall for this despicable man? He's the damaged pages of my life; I should have never crossed paths with this psycho. And even if we ever did, we should have just walked by without stopping to say 'hello'. Funny that I ever thought I could ever find happiness with him. Until six months into the relationship when I realized he wasn't who he claimed to be. I always wanted out, but my father....my father chose to believe this venomous snake over me.. 

"I'm not happy he got to taste you first, but I can thank him for giving you a bit of experience," He leans in, eyes dropping to my chest and back to my face, "Now I don't have to bother about going easy on you."

"I'm not sleeping with you.....never__" 

He grabs my chin, turning my head to face him. Drops of tears fall from my eyes to his hand and he licks them causing me to flinch at his actions, "You should really save your tears baby. I only want to see them when you're under me. You're only allowed to cry due to pleasure because whether you like it or not..." He pauses, bringing his face close to my ear, "I will fuck you this morning."

"You bastard! I will never—" My words are cut short as he slaps me. Again. 

Michael hit me twice. 

"You begged him to take you! You whore! You fucking begged that idiot to take you and you're going to have a sharp mouth with me?" He shouts and pushes me further onto the bed.

I'll rather die than let Michael touch me. 

I summon every ounce of strength, kicking his stomach with all my might. He hisses at the impact, seizing my feet and pulling me towards him until he's between my legs.

"Why are you resisting me? Why don't you want me to have you?" He mutters in a hushed tone, pulling me by my collar until our faces are inches apart.

"Stop this... Michael, stop!" I scream, my throat already hurting and parched. I look at the door, praying someone barges in.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now