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It's Saturday, 16th July, two weeks since my discharge from the hospital after that incident, and Somi's revelation about her pregnancy

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It's Saturday, 16th July, two weeks since my discharge from the hospital after that incident, and Somi's revelation about her pregnancy. She's now 10 weeks along, expecting by the end of December - we'll be having a Christmas baby!

Recalling the events of the past months, I smile, knowing Mingyu's baby was conceived on the dinner night. Those two beat me to a whole lot of things. The anticipation of becoming an aunt, or even better- Godmother, fills me with excitement. I'm going to spoil that cute little potato till we're chased out of the house by Somi.

Somi's parents reacted as she predicted, almost cursing her existence upon learning of her pregnancy. Memories of that day remains best forgotten, her mom was moments away from smacking us both. It was a rough day for her, and thankfully, I was there to offer some comfort as we cried to bed at her parents' house. On the other hand, Mingyu's parents were overjoyed at the prospect of becoming grandparents. When Mingyu took Somi to see them, they showered her with love and affection. Somi said they kept thanking God that they didn't have to grow old and grey before meeting Mingyu's kid. His sister had teased him about being bold enough to finally approach a girl - Seventeen follows Mingyu home.

Surprisingly, when both families met five days ago, and to everyone's relief, Somi's parents seemed to take a liking to Mingyu. Finally, they gave their consent. The day ended with Mingyu confessing his feelings for Somi, leading to an emotional bout where a very pregnant Somi, overwhelmed by his sudden confession and hormones, had bawled her eyes after sending everything she ate that evening down the toilet.

Accompanying Somi and Mingyu to the obstetrician's office for the baby's first sonogram ago was overwhelming. I wanted to give them privacy, but Somi insisted I join. Witnessing Mingyu's emotional breakdown upon hearing the baby's heartbeat and seeing its movements on the screen brought tears to my eyes. The obstetrician mentioned they could return in five weeks to determine the baby's gender, although Mingyu was fine with waiting until delivery. Somi, on the other hand, wanted to know sooner for shopping, I too couldn't wait.

It was time to put my credit cards to work and if Mama Lyn ever runs out of money, we have twelve filthy rich uncles whose credit cards probably have no limit. I smile at the thought like a cute little gremlin.

Observing the tender moment between Somi and Mingyu at the obstetrician's office stirred emotions within me. It made me contemplate a bunch of things. I found myself wishing I was somehow, anyhow, pregnant with Joshua's. Even if I had to conceive through a kiss. Tears begin to brim as I remember the look on his face, I had no doubt he wanted a baby too and I'm sure with Mingyu's baby on the way, he might be feeling worse. My hand run over my stomach and I nearly choked on suppressed cries.

"You okay, Lyn" Somi asked, looking my way.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Carry on and don't mind me" I bid her to concentrate on what the Doctor was saying.

My phone dings and it's a text from Mingyu;

"Hey, I'm sure you and Shua hyung will have a baby when you're both ready. And we'll be here to cheer you on. Smile now will you 😊?"

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