24 💐

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Another busy day at the shop. The morning sun streams through the large windows of the shop and with the promise of a beautiful day ahead, I feel a renewed energy. Maybe because I slept like baby last night. I'd fallen asleep while waiting for Joshua to round up practice. Not wanting to spend another night apart, I'd followed him back to the dorm to spend the night.

I am in fact wearing his shirt and my denim short which I'd 'unintentionally' left behind. I snuck out while he was still sleeping, not wanting to disturb his sleep because everyone had gone to bed so late last night after an exhausting day.

The store is a hub of activity because it's cleaning day and we'll open to the public in exactly two hours from now. In one corner, Taerin is carefully wiping down the display shelves, making sure every vase and pot sparkles under the sunlight. Sana is tending to the potted plants, checking for any that might need extra care and also rearranging the seasonal bouquets, ensuring the colors and arrangements were alright.

My hands are busy with fresh flowers and gardening tools, I'm beginning to regret wearing Joshua's shirt which still smells like him. Thankfully, my apron serves as a protective gear and keeps the dirt away. As I lean over the counter to adjust a display, my phone buzzes, pulling my attention away from what I was crafting.

I reach for the phone, noting it's Chanyeol calling, probably about to scold me for not calling him since I cancelled our dinner. I excuse myself from the girls, stepping into my work area.

"Hey Yeolie"

"Yeolie? I'm still Jagiya" his familiar voice greets.

"Isn't that what your fans call you? Mmm?"

"Finally admitting you're a fan? Congratulations!" His deep voice spills through the phone.

I could never have a normal conversation with this one. It's always banters.

"Whatever. How's it going?" I ask as I take a seat.

"I'm good" I hear him say following a sigh "just another busy day at the studio"

"Busy as always, I'm sure" I reply, my fingers absentmindedly tracing the edge of my flower themed notepad on my desk.

"Yeah. I have a trip this week__"

"oh, you're always busy. Do make out time to rest, hear me?" I say interrupting him.

"Sure. So I was wondering if we could meet up today. I leave tomorrow and might be unavailable for a couple of weeks. Could use your help on something" his voice has a note of excitement.

I'm silent, trying to mentally check my day's schedule.

"It's not a dinner or anything too complicated. I'd have stopped by the store but my manager says I might have visited a bit too much and I might end up drawing attention, not like I give a fuc___"

"Language please. .. . .eish" I snap

"Sorry. Yeah, so not like I give. . . Uhh.. well, you know I don't care about all that. You think you can come over to the studio?"

I hesitate for a moment before responding "Alright, since you're at the studio, I can stop by briefly. I need to get back in time"

"If it's too much, I can still come over you know __"

"No worries, send me your address, and I'll meet you there. How does two hours from now sound? We're currently cleaning and arranging a few things at the store"

"That works perfectly. I'll be here for a while. Thanks Celine. I appreciate it" his gratitude resonates in his voice as he says this.

I return to the others after receiving a text of his studio address. My interest is quite piqued, not knowing what he needs my help with. Hopefully it's got nothing to do with singing, it'd be the greatest disservice to himself, I sound as sweet as a pregnant toad.

ONE HEART 4 STRINGS || Joshua ||SVT ff ||18+Where stories live. Discover now