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| Chapter One — What I'd do if U |

"Oh my god!" A boy's eyes go wide, and he blinks away the suddenness of the situation, helping Mingyu stand, "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and wasn't looking where I was going—"

"It's okay, really." Mingyu says, staring down at the boy before him with eyes that seemed genuine. Sincere.

The boy sighed, "Sorry about that."

"I'm okay." Mingyu smiled, "You're okay. I think everything's fine."

The laughed alongside him, "Yeah, I hope so. My head's just been a mess today, I don't know what's wrong with me."

Mingyu just looked at him.

He had finally found him.

Xu Minghao.

Minghao let out a breath again, "Jeez, sorry. I'm not trying to load my problems on you."

"It's really okay. No harm done." Mingyu says.

Target acquired.

Minghao smiled sheepishly, eyes trailing down. He spots what seems to be a wallet lying on the concrete in which they fell.

He lets out a 'oh', squatting slightly to retrieve it, "Is this yours?" He extends a hand.

Mingyu raises his brows, "Oh, yeah. Thanks for that." He chuckles, "Usually people would just run off with it, y'know."

"Tell me about it." Minghao goes to explain further when Mingyu gives him a confused glance, "I work down at Seongbuk. I'm a detective, so I'm a bit used to that type of stuff."

"Ahh." Mingyu says, acting like this was news to him, "It was good I ran into you than anyone else, yeah?"

"Guess so." Minghao chuckles, "But, look, I really have to head out, and I'm still super sorry for bumping into you." He began to slide away, waving slightly, "Come down and see me if your wallet goes missing or anything."

The man nods with a laugh, "Will do."

Mingyu jolts with a gasp into the oxygen mask, eyes flying beyond any type of wide. His heart is racing, aura on full panic mode as the first thing that pops into his head is Minghao.

"Oh shit," He hears a voice. And he can see the faint outline of someone next to him, but his eyes are too foggy, his vision's too blurry from sleeping so long, "Mingyu? Can you hear me?"

Mingyu nods the best he can, internally cursing when all that comes out of his throat is a mere squeak when he tries to talk.

"Hey— Hey, don't speak. Save your breath." The voice is calm, trying to sooth Mingyu's panic, "I'm gonna go get a doctor. Don't try to move." Then, footsteps are fading into the distance.

Mingyu feels groggy the longer he keeps his eyes open, almost like he's been asleep for years.

And as far as the truth goes, he's right. The doctor walks into the room with a clipboard and what Mingyu can assume is a surprised expression, "Well, hello Mr.Kim. It's great to see you awake."

Mingyu just blinks, oxygen mask fogging and un-fogging from all his breathing.

It's only another second or two that passes by until Mingyu's recognizing one of the faces before him, vocal cords finally coming together to form a name, "Jun."

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now