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| Chapter Forty - Eight — No words can explain how much I miss you |
| 1 year ago |

Mingyu's couch was scary to look at, but god was it comfy.

Minghao snuggled into it, the ruby cushions practically covering his entire body as he sunk into it like he was in a pit of quicksand, "Your couch is eating me up," He told Mingyu.

Mingyu leaned on the doorframe to the kitchen, coffee mug in his hand as he watched him in amusement, "You look so small,"

"I'm not small," Minghao fought, "Just very in love with your furniture,"

"No way you're 5 foot 10,"

"You're just a giant," Minghao said, "If anybody's talking about height not making sense, let's talk about you," He pursed his lips, "You're a little bean in my eyes,"

Mingyu smiled, "Oh, am I?"

"100%," Minghao responded.

Mingyu stuffed his face in his coffee to hide the grin on his face. He despised how Minghao doing the absolute bare minimum could make him a little shy mess. He felt like a kid with a crush all over again.

"Oh god," Minghao giggled, "You're so red right now. It's so cute,"

"Shut up," Mingyu set his drink down on the dresser next to him, face thrown into his hands instead, "You're mean,"

"Am I making you nervous, Gyu?"

"I hate you,"

"You love me," Minghao corrected, "It's okay, you can say it,"

Mingyu caved then, leaping forward and diving into Minghao's fit of laughter as he fell right on top of him.

"God— You're crushing me!" Minghao's cheeks blushed as he giggled contagiously.

Settling comfortably above him, Mingyu hummed in content when the laughter died down, pressing a little kiss to Minghao's nose, "You're a menace,"

"Your menace, hmm?"

Mingyu nodded, "My menace. What are you going to do about it?"

Minghao snorted, looping his arms around Mingyu's neck, "Nothing. I'll stay still," He replied, "I like being yours,"

Mingyu's stomach flipped, "I love you,"

"I love you," Minghao responded in a heartbeat, "And no matter what happens in the future, just know that won't ever change," His thumb circles the apple of Mingyu's cheek, "As cheesy as it sounds, I don't think I'll ever meet anyone up to your par, or love anyone just as much as I love you," He cringes almost immediately after he says it, "God, I should just write the script for a Hallmark movie while I'm at it,"

Mingyu snickered, "No, no— It's adorable," He slips Minghao's hair behind his ear, "You're so fucking adorable,"

"Why, thank you," Minghao leans up, pecking Mingyu's cheek, "You're not so bad yourself, you know,"

"Oh, is that right?" Mingyu teased.

Minghao falls silent after another fit of giggles, sighing as he stares up at who he labels as the 'love of his life,' fingertips scratching along the hair on the back of his neck, "I really love you," He says, "Like so much, literally so so so so so much— I can't say it enough,"

Mingyu's lips tip into a grin.

He's so happy. So fucking happy.

He leans down, pressing a long, deep kiss onto Minghao's lips. He pulls back after a moment or 2, even though he doesn't want to, resting their foreheads together. Their breaths interlace as Mingyu speaks, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," He kisses him again, "And I love you... so so so so so much,"

"You little shit," Minghao tightens his arms around Mingyu's neck, pulling him down so their chests touch in a hug, "Hold me tonight, will you?"

"Have I ever said no?" Mingyu said, kissing the skin under Minghao's ear, relishing in the sweet sound of his breath hitching.

"Oh, fuck off," Minghao groans, pushing him back, "I'm not trying to get horny tonight. Just wanna be mushy today and say I love you till you get fucking sick of it,"

"I'll never get sick of it," Mingyu shakes his head, "Never ever,"

"Great," Minghao sighs, smiling, "Because I fear that I'll really never stop saying it,"

"Good. Stay scared," Mingyu grins, "Say it forever,"

"That there is a promise I can keep," Minghao hums, "Anything for you,"

"You really are mushy today," Mingyu laughs, "You drunk or something?"

"Drunk in love," Minghao hums, tugging Mingyu down again, "Hold me till I fall asleep, will you?"

"It's 6pm—"

"Nap time," Minghao squeezes him so he can't escape, "Unless you wanna miss out on this very rare cuddle session,"

"Never," Mingyu slides under him, readjusting so Minghao's head lies on his chest, "Anything for you, baby," He steals Minghao's words, "Absolutely anything,"

Minghao wraps an arm and a leg around Mingyu's body like the way a koala hugs a tree, "I'm glad,"

"Get some rest," Mingyu says.

"You'll be here when I wake up?"

"Of course," Mingyu kisses the top of Minghao's head, squeezing him tight, "I fear that I'll never let you go," 

Minghao sighs in content, "Promise?"

Mingyu closes his eyes, "Promise,"

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