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| Chapter Forty - Three — Well, fuck |

"Fucking hell," Minghao hisses out, back against the wall as multiple officers run right past him.

He sinks as far as he can into the brick, the sun beaming down harshly on him as he hides behind a stray dumpster.

Careful, Minghao reaches down his pant leg, orange covering his body as he stuffs his hand inside his pocket, pulling out an earpiece he could honestly laugh at.

It was insane how bad this prison was.

Did they have any good guards at all?

Minghao slips it into the shell of his hear, "Yah. Ricky-ssi,"

"Ahh, Minghao, is that you?" Ricky immediately answers, cackling, "I knew this plan would work, I just knew it,"

Minghao snorts, "I came up with it,"

"That's besides the point," Ricky clicks his tongue, continuing, "Alright, from where I can see your tracker, I'm gonna need you to trail down the side of the building. And then, make a right. Go a few more feet and you'll reach us. We're right in the back by the bushes. You'll see our van. Be cautious."

Minghao nods even though Ricky can't see, "Understood," And he's on the move.

Minghao does just as Ricky told him, careful in slipping down the building, turning a sharp corner.

Minghao can hear the muffled gun fire and screams loosening up, he can only assume there's nobody but prisoners left inside.

"I see you. Hurry," Ricky says.

Minghao sees him, too. Just across the lot, there in fact was a van, just as the dumb blonde had told him, "Heard," He says into his earpiece, "I'm coming now,"

A snort, "That's what she said,"

Minghao closes his eyes with a sigh, "I can tell you're still a teenager,"

"And I'm very happy to be one," Ricky hums, "Now hurry up, they'll all leave the building soon,"

"Heard," Minghao repeats, booking it as he decides to make a run for it. 

He happens to turn his head, just catching the slight glimpse of a clump of people running away, just as him. He couldn't make out their faces, just their figures— one of them dragging along another, seeming wounded.


Minghao swallows.

He looks away.

The van door slides open, "Wahhh, you actually made it," Ricky laughs, patting Minghao on the back, "Good job, newbie,"

Minghao rolls his eyes at the useless nickname, hopping inside, "Can it. I've been doing this type of shit my whole life,"

"Yeah, I've seen it," The driver turns around just as Ricky slams the door closed.

It's Gunwook.

"You were Seongbuk's best officer. They called you the Golden One," He chuckles, smacking his lips awkwardly as the 2 just stare at him, "I might've stalked you online a bit," If Minghao was actually meant to be his fellow member, he'd have to know a bit about him.

"Fine by me," Minghao cracks a grin, leaning back in his seat, "God, it feels good to get out of there," He says as they begin to drive away.

"I've never been to prison," Ricky tells him, "Not yet, at least. What's it like?"

Minghao looks at him, "Hell is better,"


i'd just like to talk about the ricky (zb1) situation really quickly.

earlier, ricky decided to go live just to speak to us. he did do this without permission, but however, he was forced to end the live and then 2 other members went live instead. but, in the background of their's, you can easily hear ricky getting scolded by a staff member rather harshly.

things like: "you didn't tell us at all", and "do you even understand what i'm saying?" came out of the staff's mouth.

it's disgusting to say something like that just because he's a foreigner. he can understand you very clearly, and he shouldn't be getting harassed with words like that from someone he's supposed to trust.


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