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| Chapter Thirty - Two — Welcome |
| 📍Chicago, Illinois |

The boy cradled the woman's baby gently, tapping his nose and watching him giggle with a light smile, "You're so cute," He tells the child, "Yuqi noona did so well."

"I did what well?" Yuqi throws her bag down on the table with a sigh, having finished her long day. Dried blood still seemed to coat her jawline and shirt. Her eyes land on her kid, "Aww, my baby," She coos, the man slipping her son in her arms, "I missed you today, Qian."

"He cried all day because he missed you."

"I know. I'm sorry," She kisses her baby's nose, "Mommy had a mission today. It was hard and I'm beyond exhausted, but I'm so happy to see you, sweetie." The baby giggles when she attacks him with kisses. She looks over at the man, "Its been hard without my husband, so thanks for watching my son, Wonbin-ah."

"Anytime, noona." Wonbin answers, "Besides all the crying, he's been great." He says, "I'm surprisingly good with kids."

"Ha," Yuqi pats her baby's back gently, glancing over at Wonbin, "How's your scar?"

"Sore, just sore." Wonbin answers, pushing his hair back to show her the imprint of an X engraved on his throat, "The knife was sharp. Hot, too. It's like they burned it or something."

"Yeah, they do that." Yuqi holds her baby carefully, making it so she can expose her own arm. The X ran up the skin of her bicep, "They burn the tip of the knife so it's easier to sink in your skin. Carnelian's wild like that."

"Yeah, I'm good at holding my pain, but god, it didn't feel good." Wonbin hisses, shaking his head in pain at the memory. The way they dragged the knife down his skin. He's so thankful he didn't have to watch it happen, "It'll sting for months."

"It's to remind you who you are. Who you've chosen." Yuqi explains.

"I know," Wonbin tells her, "Hyungie mentioned that to me."

"Who? Shotaro?" Yuqi clicks her tongue, "Damn, that kid. I told him to not say anything. The purpose of Carnelian is that you have to find out the purpose of your choice yourself."

"How did you join? You've never really talked about it." Wonbin asks.

Yuqi sighs, plopping down on the couch right next to him. She hums, cradling her child, "You see, my family dumped me to die with this little one a while back. They found out I had gotten pregnant at too young of an age— said they wanted nothing to do with me or my mistake of an additional life," Yuqi frowns, "It was sad. So, I left. My baby daddy took me under his wing, he never left my side." She smiles, flashing her ring, "Husband, now."

"I'm sorry," Wonbin pouts.

"Don't be. I've moved on," She insists, "After Qian was born, I decided to join Carnelian. They're ruthless and deadly, I know, and it's really not a safe spot for a child, but—" She sighs, shrugging, "Everyone here made me feel so welcome. I mean, they're not so friendly to other gangs or people, but at least they treat their members like family."

Wonbin smiles, "That's sweet," He sighs, "I know I just joined because I didn't have a home to go back to, or parents," He frowns, "But so far, it's been great. Shotaro hyung has really helped me settle in," Wonbin laughs when Yuqi clears her throat dramatically, "You too, noona."

Qian bursts out crying suddenly.

"Oh, my boy," Yuqi snuggles close to him, his tears slowly coming to a stop as he's welcomed further into the arms of his mother.

Wonbin smiles, sighing softly as he pats the burn on his neck, hissing, "I should head to our room." Wonbin says, getting up. A few of his bones pop. He blames the weights he's been forced to lift for the past week in this damn warehouse, "Shotaro's planning something special for dinner tonight. He's been talking about it nonstop."

Yuqi snorts, "Isn't he like the worst cook ever?"

Wonbin sighs, "Unfortunately."

"Yah, Park Wonbin, don't get poisoned so early in your contract."

"I'll try not to."

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