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| Chapter Fifty - Six — Kindness paid forward |


Minghao's engaged.

Even when it's naked with no ring to call his, Minghao stares at his finger with such happiness, imagining the shine of a crystal rock just under the bump of his knuckle.

There's a tug in his chest, a happy one, one that constantly lets him know he's soon to be wedded to his one and only love.

All the excitement and adrenaline disappears as soon as he steps foot inside Cardinal's hideout.

It's Xiaojun.

He's a bloody mess as he's forced to his knees and Jihyo's above him with a bunch of her men behind her, hand stuffed in Xiaojun's hair to keep him steady.

It doesn't take Minghao long to realize she's pissed. Extremely pissed.

"What's going on?" Minghao swallows.

Xiaojun takes a shaky breath, blood still flowing past his nostrils as if the beating was super recent, "M-Minghao, I'm sorry—"

"All this time, I've been suspicious of you, don't you see?" Jihyo clicks her tongue, shaking her head, "All those things we discussed in my office... All those clues and plans I gave you were way too detailed for a newbie. Do you understand it now?"

Minghao blinks, eyes flickering between Xiaojun and Jihyo, "I-I don't—"

"You've been sneaking around behind Cardinal's back all this time. Why? Because you're still head over fucking heels for Mingyu-ssi? Was throwing yourself back in prison all just a big part of it?" She spits, disgusted, "I was surprised when you brought the plan up so quickly. I'm not stupid, kid. I'm the leader for a reason,"

Minghao's speechless.


He's finally exposed.

Just like that. Just that fast.

Right out in the open for all to see.

"This didn't make sense from the get-go," Jihyo continues, "For us to kidnap and torture the living hell out of you, you'd think you'd be very hesitant into joining our gang so fast... but look, here you are with a burnt rose on your neck," She fists Xiaojun's hair out of anger, the blue haired boy letting out a yelp, "I even had to beat answers out of one of my best soldiers. Turns out you 2 are friends,"

"Let him go," Minghao holds out a cautious hand, "He did nothing,"

"Exactly," Jihyo bends down, gripping Xiaojun's hair with even more force as she whispers in his ear, "He did nothing," She stands back up, "As soon as he found out your true intentions with us, he should've ran right to me. But look at this. Look at where we are now," She clicks her tongue in dismay, savoring Xiaojun's soft cries, "Such a shame— so sad, really,"

"Is this what you want?" Minghao's had enough, "Is endless power all you desire?"

"Desire?" Jihyo grins, "It's all I want,"

"Then, you're just like Mr.Kim," Minghao spits, glaring with a type of fire in his eyes. He just but faintly captures Jihyo's face falling. The mask is back up in seconds, "You kill for your own gain. You treat people as if they're puppets and force them to cower down in front of you just so you can make a name for yourself," He sighs shakily, "Aren't you exhausted?"

Jihyo blinks, having not really expected that at all from him, "You continue to surprise me each and every day, Xu," She says, pulling out a knife suddenly, blade pressed right up against Xiaojun's neck, "I hate surprises,"

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