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| Chapter Fifty — New Faces |

"If you're gonna be putting in your blood, sweat, and tears into us, then you're gonna need to know who's backs you've got and who's backs have got yours," Ricky explains, nudging Minghao into a room he's never been in before, practically putting him on the spot as he's thrown into a pile of new faces he's never seen in his life.

"Uh—" Minghao blinks.

Everybody stops talking almost immediately.

"You already know Gunwook, and I, so let's move along, shall we?" Ricky hums. Gunwook's across the room, waving, "These are the main members of our usual troop. Jongseong's not here because he's on a mission right now, but he sends his greetings,"

Minghao groans internally.

Soon, there's a pretty brunette smiling up at him, "I'm Umji. It's good to finally have somebody new on the team," She grabs his hands and squeals. Minghao flinches at the suddenness, "We'll be such great friends!"

Minghao glances at Ricky for help.

Ricky sighs, "Pipe down, Noona,"

Umji tsks, dropping Minghao's hands, "Let me have fun, Ricky-yah," Her eyes flicker over Minghao, "He's kinda—"

"And moving on," Ricky pushes Minghao away, whispering something in his ear, "She's a bit of a horndog so don't be surprised if she tries to jump you or something,"

Minghao snorts, "I'll prepare myself,"

"Yunjin," The next girl sighs. And that's it.

"Oh, uh—" Minghao clears his throat, "Nice to meet—"

"Next," Ricky shakes his head.

"Sung Hanbin. It's amazing to finally meet you," A guy grins up at him, "And in person. I've heard great things about you,"

"I'm sure," Minghao chuckles awkwardly.

"Your rose looks great," Hanbin compliments.

"Of course it does," Gunwook shrugs. Hanbin merely rolls his eyes at the cockiness.

The following guy, "My name is Anton," The way he speaks is the softness thing Minghao has ever heard, and he has to strain his ears to be able to catch what he says.

"He's very... shy," Ricky explains.

Anton bows slightly and Minghao raises his brows, wondering how such an endearing soul could be in a place such as this, "Nice to meet you," Anton nods back at him.

"Anyways," Ricky exhales, "Last but not least...."

"Xiaojun," It's a boy— A very pretty boy. His hair is a deep blue and his eyes are as dark as the night sky. It's a bit alluring, "Xiao Dejun, actually. But everybody calls me—"

"Xiaojun," Minghao smiles, shaking his hand, "It's nice to meet you,"

Xiaojun tilts his head curiously, "Likewise,"

Ricky, noticing the exchange, pushes them apart, "Alrighty, fourth rule—" He grabs Minghao by the shoulders, shaking him back to earth, "No Card on Card macking,"

"As if anybody follows that," Umji snorts.

"We all know you're the only one that doesn't," Yunjin adds. Umji glares, swatting at her arm with a pout.

Ricky rolls his eyes, tugging Minghao aside, "I swear, I'm more mature than half the older ones here," He says, "Anyways, I know you've met Mrs.Park already, but she wants to see you this afternoon in her office at 4 sharp,"

"How come?" Minghao asks.

"To... discuss... some things,"

Minghao snorts at the way the words fall out of Ricky's mouth, "Are you sure?"

"Just shut up and get ready," Ricky pushes him out the door, "Don't be late or she'll have your head! You know I'm not kidding!"

As soon as Minghao sprints out of the room, voices overlap one another as everyone begins to speak at once, the members clouding around Ricky and Gunwook for answers.

"He's the one from Cerise, right?"

"Didn't he date Mr.Kim's son?"

"Why's he here?"

"Why does it matter?" Umji hums, "The question is, how do we get him to stay—"

"He's not leaving anytime soon. And get the hell away from me," Ricky backs up, pushing them all away the best he can, "You all saw the rose on his neck. He's proved his loyalty to us by now. If Mrs.Park accepts him as a new member, you know we have to accept him too. We took an oath to never go against her word,"

Yunjin sighs, "He'll definitely get hurt here,"

"He'll be fine," Xiaojun says, "We'll protect him, won't we?"

"He'll protect you too," Gunwook adds, "He's reliable and a former leader, himself. You have to trust him,"

"I already do," Umji says.

"I can see your lady boner through your jeans," Yunjin rolls her eyes.

Amidst the sudden cat fight, Xiaojun pulls Ricky close, "Is he really with us?" He fans out in Mandarin, "How the hell did we end up with someone like him? The leader of Cerise, nonetheless,"

"I'll explain within time, or he will," Ricky responds, "Just go train some, we have something big in planning right now,"

"Oh, finally," Hanbin sighs.

"My Kukri flew through a brick wall yesterday," Anton says suddenly, "I think I've grown an additional muscle in my bicep because of my talent,"

Ricky forces a smile, "That's nice, Anton,"

"Ain't it," Anton giggles, swaying back and forth like a child.

"Jesus Christ," Ricky throws his head in his hands.

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