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| Chapter Fifty - Eight — It's not fair|

"Jesus!" Mingyu ducks when a bullet flies their way, "We can't stay grouped up like this! It's too dangerous!" They were all running in a big mob, ducking left and right, up and down to refrain from getting shot to death.

Joshua was the only one helping them weapon wise, being their human shield, but the bullets wouldn't last forever.

"Dangerous?! It's already fatal, we don't even have weapons!" Sunoo shouts.

"A weapon room!" Soonyoung screams, "Tell us you have a weapon room!"

"You fucking live here!" Jihyo screeches.

"Split up, goddamn it!" Minghao gasps when multiple bullets hit the wall right next to him, a bunch of brick and drywall flying up suddenly to hit him in the face.

He falls to the floor in a fit of chunky coughs, covering his eyes as they begin to burn. He's in too much shock from the suddenness of it all to utter a single word about how quickly his head begins to hurt.

"Minghao!" Mingyu helps him up, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Minghao croaks out, turning to everybody eventually, "Ricky, Jihyo, Sunoo and Xiaojun— take a sharp right. Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Junhui, and Joshua— go left." He instructs, feeling a little dizzy, "Mingyu and I will go forward."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Soonyoung asks, looking at him with his big eyes, "We can't lose you again, Myungho."

"I'll be fine." Minghao's still wiping at his eyes, cursing under his breath, "Go!"

"Come on!" Joshua shouts, taking Jeonghan's hand and tugging his assigned group along like a domino, "Fuck—" He runs out of bullets suddenly. He knew he would eventually.

"Go," Mingyu waves Jihyo and the others off, "The weapon room won't be hard to find. There are hundreds of signs."

Jihyo nods, shooting a random guy who dares to raise a gun at her, "Ricky, take my back. Xiaojun guide my sides. I'll go first," She demands. The others follow her words almost immediately. And then, they're off.

"Mingyu, I can't see." Minghao wipes at his eyes hurriedly, tears building up in them.

Mingyu pulls him along, "We gotta go—"

"I can't fucking see!" Minghao says again, this time in a strangled shout. He rubs his eyes in a fit of panic, blinking harshly, cursing when all he sees is a dark blur in front of him.

"Was it the wall?" Minghao hisses when Mingyu runs the tips of his thumbs under his eyes. He thinks he's looking at him all over in worry, but he can't see a thing.

"I-I don't know!" Minghao's sobbing now. His hot tears sting the debris in his eyes, "I can't see you!" He fans his hands out, patting alongside Mingyu's biceps, "I-I can't—"

"Fuck!" Mingyu doubles over when a bullet blows through his shoulder. He hits the wall harshly with a groan, hand gripping at the bleeding wound to apply pressure as he slides down the brick in agony.

"Gyu!" Minghao sobs, feeling helpless as his hands fly in every direction, trying to desperately find Mingyu, "W-Where—"

"Ah it's good to see you 2 again."

They both freeze.

That voice.

That fucking voice.

Mr.Kim tsks, clicking his tongue, "Didn't mean to hit you, son." He tells Mingyu, chuckling at his glare, "My shooting skills seemed to have failed me today. I was aiming for this one." He points the gun at Minghao.

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