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| Epilogue — Youth in our Age |

They say you find your greatest love once in a lifetime.

Love can mean a lot of things. It can be held within hundreds of different types of emotions. It makes you feel, it makes you shiver with the reality that you'd actually end up being capable of feeling it.

It's an amazing feeling.

Minghao met Mingyu, and he fell in love with him quicker than he would've ever guessed.

It wasn't something cheesy like love at first sight, it was something that grew with each passing day, something that took it's sweet time and savored every little moment between them both until LOVE was centered right above them.

It was truly beautiful.

In the past, all Minghao thought about was death. Whether it was himself, or the people around him, he'd lose someone one way or another. It was frightening. He feared it, it was his greatest overpowering point.

But now....

Now, Minghao thinks about living, thinks about how amazing it is, and thinks about how gorgeous life really is when you really get to live it. It was beyond words.

He was living for Mingyu. He was living for his friends, and for his family....

He was living for himself.

For the amazing people he's gathered all around him. He's so grateful.

Umji went into labor the night of the wedding, and in the midst of pushing (Minghao and Mingyu remember very clearly. Like very.), Umji had screamed bloody murder at them that she would 100% never be doing this again.

But it was funny, they also recall a complete 180* after the children were born.

Umji had held the little girl, and Minghao held his son, smiling down at him and playing with his little nose. He was so beyond careful, not having the ability to see, but knowing, feeling just how adorable the baby was.

Umji had giggled as Mingyu and Minghao's daughter cooed up at her, "Hi, sweet one." She had hummed, tugging the swaddle up it's body, "You know what? I might just do this again." She kissed the baby's cheek, "Just let me know if you want a 3rd." She joked.

Minghao thanked her a million times for being so amazing throughout this entire pregnancy, thanked her for offering her body to give him and and Mingyu a family. It was something so brave to do, it was such a big, emotional step in a woman's life and Minghao and Mingyu both know that nothing they ever do will be enough to thank her for what she's done.

"So," Umji had rocked the baby, staring up at Minghao and his son from afar, "What will you name them?"

Back then, Minghao had looked in the direction he thought Mingyu was in the hospital room, raising his brows as if to repeat the question, "Chae," Is all Minghao had said. It made him melt, "Chae something— We have to use Chae, Gyu."

"Hmm... Chaewon?" Mingyu asked.

"No..." Minghao clicked his tongue.


"Not feeling it..." Minghao declined.


Minghao shook his head.


"What about Chaein?" Minghao finally said, having nodded at Umji and Mingyu feverishly. He hoped they were looking at him because he can't see shit, "How's that?"

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now