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| Chapter Thirty — Backup |

They decide to send Riki next.

After the notice that Jungwon's encountered at least 2 Cardinal members, it's not safe for him to be alone. They can't afford to lose any more members than they already have.

Eunchae watches Riki pack in worry. Her teeth ache as she bites her nails, "It's not safe."

"This world isn't safe." Riki responds with a soft sigh. He shrugs, "Jungwon hyung can't do this by himself. It was stupid to send all of us one by one. Hao hyung is still missing. This whole time we've been thinking he's been with Mingyu, but..." Riki pauses, frowning, "I think they took him."


"Cardinal butted in, as usual. That's what I think happened," Riki shakes his head, zipping up his duffel, "Jungwon would've found Hao hyung by now if he were with Mingyu. Based off the info he's gathered, Jungwon's been watching that man like a hawk. Hao's definitely not with him."

"God, what is Cardinal's problem?" Eunchae hisses, running her hands through her hair in frustration. She paces back and forth, "They always get up in other people's business. It's like they have nothing better to do."

"They want war," Riki tells her, swinging his bag around his shoulder, "And if they have Hao, we're gonna give it to them." He pushes past her gently.

"Wait—" Eunchae catches him by the arm. It sounds like she's panicking. Riki's not a huge fan of it, "J-Just wait."

"Yeah?" Riki hums.

Eunchae closes her eyes, overwhelmed, "I... I don't want you to get hurt." She admits with a concerned expression, "I really don't want you to get hurt, sunbae."

"I'll be fine. Jungwon hyung will be with me, I'm not alone," Riki reassures her, "It's gonna be okay because we have a plan."

Eunchae chuckles, defeated, "Do you?"

Riki's brows twist, "Huh?"

"Say Cardinal actually has Hao, and say you actually catch him. What happens next?" Eunchae asks, "Will you run? Hide? Sunbae, do we all don't know what we're doing. It's dangerous going in there without—"

"We have no time." Riki drops his bag so it rests near his feet, straps barely dangling from his fingertips, "I know stalking every suspect and tracking them isn't a solid plan, but it's all that we could come up with, as of now." Riki says, "We know he's not in China, he's not in Chicago, Korea's the only other place he would be."

"But why is Cardinal there?" Eunchae asks, desperate. She grips Riki's hand tighter, "It just doesn't make any sense. Didn't they relocate all the way down to Germany? Why would they come this far to meddle with us?"

"Chae," Riki sighs, "It's Cardinal. You and I both know they'd do anything for fun. Whether that means torturing someone for pleasure or stealing another gang's leader."

Eunchae let's Riki's hand slip from her own. Her arms wrap around her shoulders, crossed, "I'm just so worried," She shakes her head, voice unsteady and shaky, "We've already lost too many members in that stupid fight to get me back. I can't have more gone—"

"I told you, that wasn't your fault."

"I was weak."


"I was hopeless—"

"Eunchae, come on—"

"I could've done something. I could've fought back, but I was—"

"Scared," Riki answers for her. She hates how he can read her mind, "You were scared and that's completely okay." He shrugs, "We're just kids, me and you, yeah? Us maknaes gotta—"

"—Stick together." Eunchae sighs, offering him a light smile, "You despised me when I said it, how come you're all over it now?"

"It caught on, what can I say?" They both chuckle, staring at each other. It was almost as if they were saying goodbye with their eyes, not knowing when they'd send another person out and not knowing if both Riki or Jungwon would make it out alive.

Eunchae surprises both of them when she takes a step forward, body tipping to land in Riki's. It takes him a full minute to realize she's hugging him.

She's holding him tightly, "I really don't want you to go."

Riki's heart shakes. He has to close his eyes. He pats her back gently, "I'll return before you know it," He promises, "And I'll have Hao hyung next to me, how does that sound?"

"Perfect," Eunchae just wants everything to go back to how it was months ago, "Sounds perfect, sunbae."

Riki grins down at her when he pulls away, sighing softly, "I'll keep in contact."

"You better." Eunchae swallows down the sob that so desperately wants to crawl up her throat. She wonders why she didn't feel this way about Jungwon's departure. He meant a lot to her as well.

Riki looks down at their hands, still noticing how their fingers are interlaced. It makes him laugh softly, he sways their hands, "If we didn't have fucked up lives, I'd take you out or something. Dinner, maybe? A movie?"

Eunchae's heart feels like it's beating out of her chest, "Dinner and a movie," She smiles, "It sounds amazing. Promise we'll do that when you return?"

Riki scratches her hair, "I promise."

Eunchae breathes in content, "You're my best friend, you know that, sunbae?"

Riki nods, "Of course," He says, tilting his head. He looks at her all google eyed as he nudges her chin, "Because you're mine, too."

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