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| Chapter Seven — Wake up |

"He needs to get it together." Sunoo huffs.

Hansol shrugs, "Yeah, but I understand where he's coming from." He says, "He wakes up almost a year later to find out that Hao's killed multiple people and is suddenly missing. He just found out he's alive, Sunoo-yah— It's only been a day. Everything's happening so fast— faster than anyone here could've ever expected."

Sunoo sighs, "I know, and I feel so sorry," He slumps his shoulders, "But comforting words won't help Carmine's situation. We don't know our next move and Mingyu needs to wake up and lead us and tell us what the hell to do because we're really running on a limb here," He runs a hand through his hair, "What if the police find out about our hideout? Never mind Chicago PD, what about Korea? People could've reported their neighbor missing or something. What if we get exposed— then, what? We'll have both countries at our necks."

Hansol bites at his lip, finally at a loss.

Mingyu hadn't come out of his room since he found out Minghao was alive. And in Japan, of all places? It didn't make any sense.

He's been trying to call him. He knows it's doing more harm than good— but he can't stop himself each time he presses call.

It goes straight to voicemail of course, but the sound of Minghao's gentle voice through the voicemail box is the only thing keeping him together at the moment.

Why would Minghao mail a body to this address? The same place Mingyu had fallen into a coma? How did Minghao even remember this address if he had been out cold half the time?

If Mingyu really thinks about it, the boy did break into his home and swipe his things.

Maybe he still had the sticky note.

Mingyu's such a bad influence.

Minghao used to be so kind— so soft and warmhearted and now he's mailing dead bodies to people who deserve the sight of a no-eyed, lifeless, former member of Carmine— eyes gauged out and covered in dry blood.

Was Minghao in a gang? Finally?

If he really was apart of one— Mingyu wonders why he didn't join Carmine. He could've easily disappeared from the authorities with Hansol, Joshua, or Seungcheol's help. It would've been a hell of a lot easier than flying all the way to Japan.

Or maybe he's acting alone.

Maybe— Just maybe he's finally gone beyond the point of insanity that he's gone to find the comfort of his own self with each and every murder that he causes.

Maybe he thought Mingyu was dead— or maybe he thought he had locked in syndrome and that there was no way he'd ever wake up.

Maybe he gave up.

Mingyu slumps against his headboard, staring at Minghao's number in a bit of disappointment.

He was used to it by now— but that doesn't mean that Minghao not picking the phone up every single time didn't hurt any less.

Did Minghao really love him? Was everything they ever had just a big lie?

Maybe he had never forgiven him. Maybe his words on the day Mingyu fell into comatose were completely false and had no meaning.

Mingyu just wants to know why.

He wants to know why Minghao was suddenly in the city of Okayama— and he wants to know if he's alone, if he's hungry and hurt or if he's healthy and living freely.

Mingyu just wants to know.

So much so to where he doesn't know what to do.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now