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| Chapter Thirty - Five — Red & Blue |
| 📍 Chicago, Illinois |

It's a cold, chilly night when the moon decides to show itself.

It's full, the shine of it cascading down Minghao's skin, glowing brighter and brighter with each step he takes.

He can feel a smile slowly creeping it's way onto his face.

The excitement of what he's about to do should be overwhelming, actually, it shouldn't even be exciting in the first place.

He's just insane like that.

Minghao looks up when he feels the drop in temperature, his cheeks turning a rosy pink when a snowflake lands on his skin.

He feels the ice, feels the burn of it.

Another grazes along his newborn rose, melting into the sizzled skin. He hums.

He's wearing a wool coat. It's black, dark like the inside of his heart, as well as a small hat resting just on the top of his head that just but barely hides his identity.

He grins as he walks, giggling like a child as he leaves footprints in the snow that seemingly begins to fall even harder, soon coating the streets and sidewalks in a pretty white.

It was as if the world were to be wedded.

Red and blue flashes across Minghao's eyes when he finally makes his destination. Blue. He's always hated the color blue. But red? He absolutely adored it. Red reminded him of many different things.

As well as a person.

A person who deserved to be bled dry just so Minghao could witness his favorite color in action.

There's a couple officers outside, two sitting on a bench having a few snacks, and one leaning on the brick wall next to them, sipping a coffee so hot you could see the steam.

Minghao makes sure to lower his hat, covering the top half of his face.

"Evening," The one stood nods in greeting.

Minghao's lips curl, "Evening, sir."

He makes his way into the station, hands slipping into his pockets, goosebumps riding all along his skin with each step he takes towards the main desk.

It's like being edged— like you're on the tip of your seat.

It's a woman. She's sitting there, typing away. Minghao watches her lift her head when he makes his presence known, face quick to turn up into a cute little grin, "Hello, sir. How may I help you tonight?"

Minghao snickers softly, finding this all so amusing.

He hums, tilting his head so his eyes come into view. He watches the woman visibly shrink in horror. She immediately recognized him.

"I'd like to turn myself in." He tells her.

The woman's shaking. Minghao can faintly see her frequently tapping the emergency button right under her desk.

He just chuckles.

"Ma'am," Minghao says, "Tonight..." He leans closer, so close he can almost hear her rapid heartbeat, "I'm admitting to murder once again."

The woman's as pale as a ghost.

Minghao just holds his hands out, wrists willingly pressed together.

"Won't you cuff me?" He pouts, "Make it tighter this time."

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now