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| Chapter Nineteen — Act 1: Enough | M

"You can't just keep me locked in here!" Minghao bangs on the door to Mingyu's bedroom.

God, he'd just sucked the man's face off only to be left alone, locked inside a room he'd been thrown inside due to Mingyu's obsession. Minghao can only guess that over the past few weeks, Mingyu's mind had only been running off of finding him— leaving his brain with no room of figuring out what he'd do once he got his hands on him.

The consequences. Mingyu had to have known they would be bad.

Kidnapping a Cerise member. The leader.

Minghao kicks the door with one last curse under his breath, leaning back against the wood, doorknob poking uncomfortably at his lower back as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.

He thinks about jumping out the window again. But then he thinks about what he'd do after— about how far his feet would take him. He thinks about how he'd barely get around the corner before he'd be tossed inside a car and dragged back to this stupid fucking house and God it pisses him off.

He had to get out of here.

But how?

Minghao stumbles backwards with a yelp when the door suddenly opens, falling into the arms of no other than—

"Mingyu." Minghao scoffs.

"Well, hello to you too." Mingyu chuckles, helping the younger stand upright, "You're really loud. It's barely breakfast time."

"I couldn't give less of a damn." Minghao pushes Mingyu's chest, "You need to let me leave. If you want me as safe as you keep saying, dragging my ass back to Korea was the worst possible move."

"No one will find you here."

"As Junhui and Soonyoung know."

"They'd never spill," Mingyu shakes his head, "They promised— and we both know they would never do that."

"What? Are you 3 besties now?" Minghao snickers, crossing his arms again.

"What? Jealous much?"

"Intrigued." Minghao corrects, "How have you not been tossed in prison, hmm?"

"There wasn't enough evidence to hold me," Mingyu says with a smile, "Junhui told me he wouldn't tell, anyways. And then, Soonyoung had mentioned that they wouldn't be able to connect me to any murders if they'd pulled me into questioning." He hums in content, "Guess I clean up nicely."

"As my vomit is still all over your bedroom floor."

"Jesus, I forgot about that." Mingyu frowns, patting Minghao's shoulder, "You alright, baby?"

"Of course, I'm not alright!" Minghao slams a foot down, huffing like a child having a tantrum, "And shut the fuck up with your baby. I told you I don't have feelings for you anymore."

"Your lips said otherwise."

"I was having a momentary brain rewire."

"Now you're just not making any sense."

"When have I ever?" Minghao drops his arms by his sides in defeat, "It's been less than 5 minutes and I'm already bickering with you. Fuck, let me leave, I can't do this anymore."

Mingyu laughs. He fucking laughs.

Minghao flickers his eyes behind Mingyu, seeing the entrance to the kitchen, a room which particularly reached the front door, taking advantage of Mingyu's momentary distraction and almost immediately making a run for it.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now