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| Chapter Twenty - Three — Chaeki |

"Jungwon hyung made it down to Korea safely." Riki says, not even glancing up at Eunchae as he jots a few notes.

Eunchae hums in understanding, focused on whatever she was doing in the kitchen area.

Riki sat just at the dining table, about a few feet away from her at most.

Then, silence.

They'd barley spoken other than a few words to each other since the whole talk about the plan last week. Being the highest authority since Minghao was gone, Seokmin had approved of the plan, immediately taking action in making sure Jungwon arrived safely.

Now they were just waiting on his return.

Despite his age, Riki had been left in charge purely because of his responsibility. Based off the stress from doing so, he didn't know if he was thankful or spiteful.

Riki tosses his pencil down, slumping into his seat in exhaustion.

"You can take a break." Eunchae tells him, "Besides, Seokmin comes back tonight. There's nothing to stress over."

"But there is," Riki replies, "Our leader has been kidnapped and I'm the only one worried about him."

Eunchae tenses from where she's standing, and Riki's flinching when she slams down the cup she had been close to pouring her juice into.

"Are you seriously that dumb in the head thinking you're the only one who's concerned?"

Riki feels like he's been slapped in the face, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," Eunchae's fuming at the bones, all the pent up anger and frustration from the past week finally catching up to her, "All you think about is yourself. You don't care about anybody else and only want to boost your ego by finding our leader. Shame on you."

"What?" Riki stands up, a glare on his face. He's shocked more than anything.

"You. Heard. Me." Eunchae repeats, "I'm tired of you putting the weight of every single problem on your shoulders. You act as if you're the only one doing anything when in reality, we're all helping you. I'm helping you. It was my idea to send Jungwon-ssi down there, remember? We're assisting you in any way we can and you don't seem to care one bit."


"I'm not finished!" There are tears of frustration beaming in the girl's eyes, "You're so caught up in your own issues that you don't seem to understand just how bad I'm— We're.... How bad w-we're all hurting."

Riki frowns, "Chae..."

"You left me. Y-You all left me for 5 days to rot alone on that awful place just so you could relocate?" Her voice wavers on that last part. She can't contain her exhaustion, "Do you know how traumatizing all that was for me? You all just moved along like it was just a bump in the road, sunbae..."

Riki's heart does a painful flip, but he smiles wearily, "Chae—"

"Sunbae, nothing you could say right now could make me feel any better—"

"I had the guy killed." Riki says, "The one who wouldn't speak to you? The one who wouldn't let you go?" He tells her, "I know we're still working on Mingyu's punishment, but I figured that was a head start."

Eunchae swallows, looking away, "Okay, that actually made me feel better."

Riki makes his way over to her, sighing softly. He takes her hands, cradling them in his own, her eyes shooting up in surprise, "I think about you, okay? Don't ever think that I don't." You're on my mind 24/7, actually.

Eunchae blinks, "Oh, um—" She folds her lips together, "I don't... know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything right now," He says to her, "But just know that if you ever want to talk, I'm here. Okay?"

Eunchae takes a moment due to the lack of completely comprehending what's going on, but she eventually nods, "Wow," She says softly with a bit of a chuckle, "Thank you, sunbae."

"Of course." The boy replies.

There's a comforting silence.

Riki stares at her for a moment or two before clearing his throat awkwardly.

His hands slip from her own, "I'm gonna wrap it up here and head down to the training room. Gotta train with Zuha, so.." He scratches his hair awkwardly.

"Yeah, no— I, uh— I understand. Go ahead." Eunchae chuckles, avoiding eye contact.

Riki nods, already backing away.

Then, he gather his things, and just leaves.

And Eunchae's releasing a breath she didn't realize she had held inside. She holds a hand to her chest, feeling her heartbeat.

If erratic had another level, that's what pace it was set at.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now