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| Chapter Thirty - Nine — Series of upchucks & piano tiles |

"It's heavy," Riki says, "The security."

Jungwon nods, "There's no way to slip inside. We'd have to take them out but that's in no way a choice," He tells the younger, "There's only the 3 of us—" He looks at Eunchae, "Maybe 2 and a half—"

"Are you serious!" Eunchae smacks him upside the head. Jungwon yelps, scratching at his hair, "Who's side are you on?!"

"The winning side," Riki sighs, cocky.

Eunchae hisses, "You little—"

"Hello, dears!" All 3 of them flinch when an elderly man comes walking out of a building. Precisely the building they were hiding behind to stay out of the prison's sight. It was pretty far though, Riki hated how he had to use Eunchae's binoculars.

"Hello Ahjussi," Eunchae grins, bowing at a 90 degree angle.

The old man chuckles, finding her adorable, "What can I do for you kids?"

"I, uh—" Eunchae looks around the building, "We'd just like to check out your instruments," Riki's eyes light up as Eunchae speaks, his mind just now connecting to the fact that this was a music store, "We didn't know if you were open, Ahjussi."

"I am, dear!" The old man chuckles, motioning for them to enter, "Come in! Come in! I've got plenty of instruments for you,"

Eunchae chuckles, giving Jungwon and Riki a look that says 'I covered your asses, so follow my lead', the boys groan internally, "Of course, Ahjussi. Thank you,"

The 3 kids make their way inside, the old man smiling, happy as he watches people stumble inside to his music store.

It's not everyday this happened. People usually didn't find the idea of a music store next to a literal prison so inviting.

Riki's eyes sparkle. He stuffs the binoculars in his bag, eyeing each and every guitar, piano, saxophone, drum— everything.

"We'll just take a look around, if that's okay..." Jungwon tells the man.

"Of course! Let me know if you need anything," The old man nods his head, walking away slowly to the back of the building.

Eunchae sighs, "That was awkward."

"Why is there a music store right next to a prison, by the way?" Jungwon asks the question everyone normally would.

Eunchae shrugs, eyes trailing to the quietest of them 3, "Sunbae?"

"Hmm?" Riki's head snaps over.

Eunchae lifts her brows, looking around just as Riki had, "Did you want to look?"

Riki hesitates, but eventually shakes his head lowly, "Ah, no. We don't have to."

Jungwon smiles, "Great, let's—"

"I want to look," Eunchae says, arms looped around her back, hands clasped as she begins to walk around the building, eyeing all the instruments, just as Riki had.

Riki's smiling, a light blush sweeping across his cheeks. He lowers his head to stay hidden.

Jungwon blinks, "Okay, then," He had noticed, clearing his throat awkwardly at finally catching what was happening, "I'm uh— I'm gonna go get some tea— Think I saw a shop just around the block."

"Huh?" Riki asks.

"I'll be back," The bell rings as Jungwon stumbles out of the building.

"Wait—" But the door's already closed. He watches Jungwon through the window as he speed walks down the road. Riki sighs in defeat, walking over to Eunchae.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now