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| Chapter Fifty - One — I'm cold |
| 📍Mrs.Park's Office (4pm) |

Minghao's hand shakes when he knocks.

He tells himself to be strong within walking in, tells himself to put that mask back on his face and not let it leave until whatever this discussion was going to be was over.

"Come in," A muffled voice responds.

Minghao gulps, obliging.

"Ah, just the man I wanted to see," Jihyo leans back in her seat, a stupid grin on her face, "Shut the door behind you and take a seat, will you? We have much to discuss,"

Minghao nods, doing as she says.

He sits down just right in front of her desk, dropping his hands to lay on his lap. He wipes his clammy palms on his pants.

"You're nervous," Jihyo shakes her head, "Don't be. You should put some trust in me now, just as I have done to you," She says, "There's no need to hurt you any further, so relax,"

Minghao nods.

Jihyo chuckles, "I've asked you here for a reason," She tells him, leaning back in her chair. Minghao watches as she plays with a pen, clicking it in and out, in and out, out and in, "Just as Quanrui might've mentioned, we're planning something big,"

Minghao perks his ears, listening intently. 

"Something big?"

"Mhm. You should be thrilled about it," The woman smiles, "I've always wanted to be the star of the party, haven't you?" She hums, the question rhetorical, "It's just so exhilarating, it makes me feel so expressive and spectacular," She sighs deeply.

Minghao stays silent.

"You were the key to my happiness, Xu Minghao, I hope you know that," She tells him, "You were my plan from the very beginning. 'Steal that kid and take him under your wing. Make him betray the supposed love of his life and swipe at Carmine and Cerise like 2 birds with one stone.'" She giggles, "Just thinking about what will happen is bringing tears to my eyes,"

Minghao blinks, "And what would that be?"

Jihyo grins. It's borderline scary.

"Oh, dear," She holds a hand to her heart, dark hair falling in front of her face as she leans forward, elbows on the desk, "War,"

"War?" Minghao repeats, "You... You want to start a war between everyone?"

"Well, mostly Cerise and Carmine, but if Carnelian wants to stop by and join the party, I shouldn't stop 'em," Jihyo hums like this sudden news wasn't mind blowing, "I'm just so sick of sharing the spotlight. I want to be the one and only gang! On the top! Is it that bad to want to be the center of attention?"

In this situation— Yes.

A big, humongous, and unimaginable— Yes.

"Of course not," Minghao doesn't let his face fall, "You're right. And I'll help you," He pats at his rose as if to remind her of Cardinal's oath, grinning just as wickedly, "With whatever it takes. Carmine needs to rot in hell for destroying my family. And Cerise deserves to fall in with them for staying silent,"

Jihyo closes her eyes, giddy, "Ah... Yes!" She hisses, standing up. She jumps around like a child on Christmas, "This will be the fight of the century, Xu. With the amount of people on our side, Carmine and Cerise will be nothing but ants on a sidewalk," She bites her lip to hold another terrifying expression, "We can stomp all over them without any remorse,"

Minghao nods, "Of course, Ma'am," He replies, "The sooner, the better,"

Jihyo sighs, "You've just made my day. I'm glad to see you equally as excited,"

"I only have one proposition,"

Jihyo blinks, surprised he had even said something like that.

In the past, she'd killed almost 70 people for those exact words. But for this, for Minghao, she stays still, "And what might that be?" She's intrigued. She's never been so intrigued like this with someone else before.

This coming from 1 person alone was enough to get her blood flowing— soul, body and mind in need of more spilled.

Minghao inhales, jaw tensing.

"I get to kill him," He says, knuckles turning white from how hard he fists his hands, "I get to kill Mingyu,"

A grin sweeps across Jihyo's face again, beaming bright like the ruby of Mingyu's bedsheets.

"I expected nothing less of you,"


happy birthday haohao!!!

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