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| Chapter Four — Terror |
| gory torture warning |

"I'll give you one last chance," Minghao plays with the top part of the plastic bag, examining the powdered substance like a hawk dawning on food, "Tell me why you want it so bad."

The silver toothed guy (presumably the one that Riki had an altercation with), spits a chunk of blood out of his mouth, tired eyes meeting Minghao's, "Because it's mine. You had no right to take it from me. I need it."

"Yes— Why?" Minghao says, "I won't ask again."

The guy stays silent, pressing his lips together so hard they turn white, as if he were going beyond any morals to spill the truth.

"Fine," Minghao places the powder down on the table in the room, walking over so very slowly. He stands before the guy soon enough, the smallest tip of what seemed to be a razor blade dangling just above his eye. Minghao basks in the pleadings that begin to spill out of the victim's mouth, "Why are you so upset, doll? I gave you a chance."

"It's—" The guy shouts in horror when the razor blade grazes his eyelashes, just mere inches from stabbing him right in the eye, "It's not mine!"

Minghao smiles, "There we go," He hums, withdrawing the weapon and sighing softly, "It took some work to get you here. I'm glad you're finally telling me the truth."

The guy's chest rises and falls at a pace you'd see on a terrified soul.

Minghao grins, eyes flashing darkly as he flicks the blade between his fingers, "That's not gonna stop me from messing you up a little." He giggles, right on top of the guy again as he hovers the razor blade just over his eye.

"No! N-No please!" He'd go blind.

"You have to pay the price, babydoll." Minghao's smile just widens as finally sinks the weapon into one of the guy's eyes, hearing the squelch of the nerves in his eyeball swirl together as he jabs it inside recklessly, hearing the cries and feeling the guy tremble in pain under him.

Minghao backtracks when the blood begins to spew, shooting up at him and painting his cheek like artwork, "I don't usually give people second chances. You got one, so why are you being like this? Hmm?" In a spur of the moment, Minghao decides to blind the guy fully, slamming the blade deep into his other eye without remorse.

The guy's voice cracks as he screams like never before, veins popping in his neck as his throat contracts under the intense pressure.

"Who's is it?" Minghao asks, swirling and dragging the blood across the guy's skin as he waits for an answer, painting him like a blank canvas, "We both know damn well it doesn't belong to you."

The guy just screams in return, only shouting out an answer when Minghao threatens to bash his eardrums in next, "Carmine! It's Carmine's!"

Minghao blinks, "Carmine?"

"Yes!" The guy moans in agony, "L-Look! You see?" He had just tugged the collar of his shirt down, showing off the simple flare of a cherry tattoo, "Boss told me to bring it d-down to Korea because they relocated as well!"

Minghao merely breathes softly, not at all bothered, "You're telling me you're a part of Carmine gang and you're here in Japan?" He scoffs out a laugh, "Most gangs know where Cerise has relocated. What are you doing in Japan?"

The guy goes silent again, so Minghao sighs, jabbing a thumb into his right eye.

The guy's body jolts, "For you!" He sobs, and Minghao almost laughs as no tears come out. Because honestly, this dude couldn't even cry anymore. With what eyes? "W-We're looking for you," He sighs shakily, "Jesus Christ— The drugs were just a cover up."

"For me?" Minghao grins, "I'm flattered."

There's a knock at the door suddenly, it makes Minghao visibly droop his shoulders.

"Who dares to interrupt the fun?" Minghao says like a cartoon villain, Seokmin laughing as he steps inside, not at all bothered by the sight before him given that its happened many times.

"My bad," Seokmin chuckles, "I've just come to let you know that Zuha knocked Riki out again. He's in his room resting."

Minghao chuckles softly, "Poor kid."

"Do you think he's gonna last?" Seokmin asks, holding a conversation as if Minghao wasn't blinding a man right next to him, "How long do you think he can hold out? What do you want us to do if he never gets any better?"

"It's barely been a few months, Seokmin. Give the kid a chance, yeah?" He says, "You trusted me."

Seokmin looks at him for a moment before sighing, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Am I ever not?" Minghao giggles, hissing when the guy under him suddenly scratches his arm harshly, nails digging into the skin in his blind pain, "Jesus, you little—" Minghao takes the razor blade, slitting the man's throat open with little to no second thoughts, grinning while doing so.

"You're insane." Seokmin snickers.

Minghao stands up, pushing the dead body off the chair so it hits the floor. He smiles up at Seokmin, face covered in blood, "Thank you." He sighs softly, kicking the man's body to make sure he's dead, "Uh, can you get someone to take care of this?"

Seokmin already has his phone to his ear, "Already on it, boss."

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