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| Chapter Ten — In Bloom |

Minghao collapsed to the floor as soon as he pushed his way inside headquarters, tears staining his cheeks, breath wavering and heartbeat erratic as he frantically explained that Mingyu was alive and was currently on his way here.

Seokmin had ran to tell everyone immediately, leaving Minghao in a puddle of his own tears.

Minghao managed to gather himself enough to run all the way to his room, although it feels like he's dragging himself along the way.

"Hyung," A voice gasps, a pair of hands on his back as someone presumably checks on him. Minghao can hear the Chinese accent roll off their tongue, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"'M fine, Zhang Hao." Minghao coughs, allowing himself to be pulled up by the helpful pair of arms. He stares into Zhang Hao's eyes with a foggy pair of his own, "Fuck, this is embarrassing." He wipes the wet trails under his eyes.

"May I ask what's happening?" Zhang Hao chuckles awkwardly. Literally nobody here has ever seen Minghao cry. It was a bit frightening, to say the least. He was the Cerise leader for fucks sake, it was presumed someone who held that title wouldn't ever produce a single tear.

"Just pack your things," Minghao takes a breath, finally managing to have calmed down, even if it was only a bit, "We're relocating."

"Relocating?" Zhang Hao's widen, "Where?"

"I—" Minghao's lips tremble like he doesn't know how to answer. And truth be told, he really doesn't, "I'm not so sure yet. Just go pack. We gotta be out by like midnight."

Zhang Hao stares at him with a puzzled look for a moment longer before he's nodding, "Yes, sir." He walks away, turning a sharp left down the hall with a heightened type of speed.

This was fucking insane.

Minghao stalks down the hall, pushing the door open to his room and slamming it shut with purpose. He slams a couple of bags to his bed, shoving his clothes and other necessities inside all whilst cursing and groaning under his breath.

Mingyu had just woken up and was already such a fucking handful.

Minghao could only imagine how bad it would be if Mingyu actually met up with him again, had him in eye's sight.

He'd never let him go.

Minghao would be forced to turn his back on an entire gang he's put months of his life into, forced to turn his back on people he's just begun to trust with his life, people who he's grown to love and call his best friends— No, his family.

Minghao makes it out of his room in 3 minutes on the dot, bag thrown over his shoulder as he speed walks down the hall.

He makes it around a corner, lifting up a clear box and pressing the large, red button just underneath it— one that he never thought he'd ever have to press ever — hearing the loud, shrill ring of the emergency alarm go off.

It was time to move.

Minghao pushes the stray hairs away from his eyes, tightening bag's strap around his body as he begins playing with an propped up IPad, just a few feet down from the button. He presses a few things, a small buzz ringing through the air, a large, metal door opening just ahead of him.

Minghao ducks under it even while it's still opening, loads and loads of guns and nunchucks and knives in front of him— bombs and dynamite— basically any type of weapon you can think of.

Everything that could end a life was in here.

Minghao stuffs 3 pistols in his bag, tossing an M240 around his shoulder, letting it dangle by his hip. He slips a knife into his belt loop, ready for anything that could ever get in his way tonight—

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