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"You know I hate you, right?"

Jihoon scoffs, "What the hell are you talking about now?"

Soonyoung huffs with pouted lips, a piece of his hair flying up, "You showed interest in me like almost 2 years ago and then proceeded to ghost me without any warning whatsoever. You're just like your friend."

"Who, Hansol?"

"Precisely." Seungkwan still wouldn't talk to Hansol about their little fling.

"Wahhhh, I didn't ghost you."

"Says my unread text messages."

"You're fighting me about nothing." Jihoon responds, "Look at that damn ring on your finger and tell me I ditched you."

Soonyoung rolls his eyes, "A 422,000,000 won diamond ring isn't going to make me forget, you asshole." He says, "I blocked and unblocked you. Then I blocked and unblocked you again." He tells his fiancé, "I reread our text messages while crying severely and then guess what? I blocked you again."

"You hold many grudges." Jihoon sighs, "And that's why I love you. You're stubborn."

"That's me." Soonyoung shrugs.

Soonyoung and Jihoon's wedding is beautiful.

It's mostly because Minghao was chosen as the wedding planner. Fuck the fact that he couldn't see, he could still feel, and he could still smell and sense. Junhui helped him a lot too, and with his assistance, Minghao planned the perfect wedding for his best friend.

The theme was stunning.

Junhui told Minghao that he'd stumbled upon silver and soft lilac whilst running his fingers along the book of materials. Fairy lights danced along the edges of the temple, and soft music hummed through the air as Mingyu helped Minghao to sit down in his spot.

Minghao held his baby boy at the after party while Mingyu held Chaein, listening to Soonyoung giggle drunkly into the microphone, rocking him back and forth and hearing his little laughs and coos.

"My Riki," Minghao kissed his son's forehead, humming and stroking the little hair he had that was beginning to grow on the top of his head.

It was cute, but sad. His babies were already growing up so fast.

"Chaein wants you now, baby," Mingyu laughs as if this were all normal. And it was, "Wanna switch?"

Minghao sighs, "You make our children sound like a deck of cards." He passes Riki over and takes Chaein nonetheless, "Ah, it's my baby girl." His fingertips graze along her face until they hit her nose, "Boop." She giggles.

"Damn, how long has it been since I popped those 2 out?" Umji asks from across the table, shaking her head in disbelief when she's told it's been almost a year already. She brings her liquor to her lips, "Well, then."

"Hao," Mingyu says suddenly.

"Hmm?" Minghao looks in the direction of Mingyu's voice, patting his daughter's back as he holds her gently.

"I love you."

Minghao blushes at the sudden words. He knew Mingyu loved him, but it seemed like he was saying it for the first time all over again each time he told him.

'I love this.' He remembers Mingyu saying all that time ago, 'You still get so nervous like this.' Never mind the fact that they fucked 5 minutes after that, Minghao found it romantic. To this day, he thought about it.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now