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| Chapter Forty - Two — CHAE! |

"He's so heavy," Riki says.

"He's 150 pounds of pure muscle, I swear," Joshua rolls his eyes, smacking Mingyu's bicep as he hears him chuckle drunkly, "Stop working out so much, you dumb fuck—"

"Can you guys stop talking so much?! Hello?!" Sunoo makes his way towards them and scoffs, reloading his gun as he looks at the 2 seriously. He was guarding an exit the 2 just reached, "The entire Chicago PD is on their way here. We're fucked if we don't leave now. I haven't seen Minghao at all," He tells them, stopping Joshua when his eyes land on something, "Wait," He says, "Who the hell is that?"

Joshua sighs deeply as Sunoo stares at the blonde next to him, "Told me his name was Riki," The eldest tells him, "He means no harm. He's here to save Minghao, just as us,"

"Who is he?" Sunoo repeats, looking over every inch of Riki's body for clues.

"A Cerise—"

"Hell no," Sunoo lifts his gun, aiming right for Riki's head. Riki flinches, throwing up his hands in surrender, "We made an oath to never join hands with a Cerise member. Not after what happened with the former leaders,"

Joshua pushes the muzzle of Sunoo's gun to point at the floor, "Relax. He hasn't killed me yet. You know he's not a threat just by that,"

Sunoo glares at Riki for what feels like forever, the tension in the air finally dissipating as Sunoo groans, stuffing his gun back in his belt loop, "I'm keeping a close eye on you. Don't you dare try anything or I'll have your head," He tells Riki.

The blonde nods, "I just want Minghao back,"

"Yeah, well so do we," Sunoo says, "We'll get back to how that'll work after all this shit is—"

"Run!" It's Jihoon, he screams as he jogs backwards, shooting at the many cops that had just stumbled inside the building, "Half the exits are blocked! We're surrounded!"

Joshua shakes in anger, "Fuck," He says, tossing Mingyu so he rests in Riki's arms, "Hold onto him, while I..." He shoots an officer in the face, like literally right through his eye and Riki has to look away in disgust.

"What?" Riki scoffs.

By simply offering to help, that didn't mean he wanted to babysit this 26 year old man clinging to him.

"We gotta get outta here!" It's Seungcheol. He had come running from somewhere, "Go! Go! Go!" He pushes at Joshua.

Joshua groans, killing one more guy before turning on his heel, helping Riki carry Mingyu as they run like their lives depend on it. Because honestly, they really do.

"Down here!" Sunoo shouts, ducking just as a bullet flies beside his head. He curses under his breath.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Joshua pulls Riki down the hall, Seungcheol close behind them, firing bullets left and right, up and down, side to side. He was always a sharp shooter.

"Ah!" Sunoo gasps suddenly, running faltering as a bullet goes straight through his leg. He lifts a shaky hand to grip at one of the bars on a free cell in pain.

"Fuck. You okay?" Joshua hisses.

"I-I'll be fine," Sunoo swallows, slightly limping, but still finding the same speed as before.

"Where the hell are you all?!" Joshua screeches into his earpiece, straining as him and Riki practically drag Mingyu.

"D-Downstairs! B-By the entrance!" Joshua thinks it's Hansol. He can also hear multiple gunshots echo through the receiver, "We need help! It's hell down here!"

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