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| Chapter Forty - Five — Missing U |

"Mingyu," Jihoon bites at his nails, gaze flickering between the man and the computer screen in front of him, "We don't know what's on it. Are you sure you—"

"I want to see," Mingyu responds.

"You're still out of it," Joshua adds, "I was literally pulling out your guts not even an hour ago. What if there's something on it that's just as bad as that?"

"What if there is?" Mingyu shrugs, face hard, "I don't give a rat's ass what is on this USB. If Minghao purposely stuffed it into me, I think he would want me to see it, don't you?" He raises his brows, "Show it to me,"

Joshua closes his eyes, pained.

And then, he hits play.

Minghao pops up on the screen. Mingyu can feel his heart leap— only to fall when he realizes just how exhausted Minghao looks.

"I really didn't leave you," Minghao says almost immediately, "I really didn't want to...." His voice cracks.

Tears fog in Mingyu's eyes.

"Whatever happens to you, just know that I didn't mean anything. If I hurt you, or if you get hurt because of me, it's not intentional. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Gyu," Minghao whispers, looking around as if he weren't supposed to be filming this, "I have a plan, but it requires you to trust me,"

Mingyu's elbows hit the desk as he leans closer to the computer, leg bouncing up and down as he takes it all in.

"Trust me," Minghao looks right into the camera, eyes glistening as the lighting sparkles his tears, "They manipulated me into thinking you killed my parents," He pauses, "Well, they tried to," He corrects, "I know you didn't, Mingyu. You'd never do something like that. And as I've told you before, I could never forget the night I took their lives. Myself. I did it,"

Mingyu chokes on a sob. Jihoon and Joshua look at each other in worry.

"When I told you it was just the beginning, I wasn't kidding," Minghao's still looking around, terrified of getting caught, "Throwing myself back in prison was the start of it. All of that was to just set you up and waver your mind so you'd be weak. I came up with it," Minghao looks down, regretful, "A-And I'm sorry," He sniffles, "I'm sorry I have to stab you, but I really needed you to hear what I have to say. And this is the only way I could gain Cardinal's trust,"

Mingyu takes a shaky breath.

"Fuck," Jihoon curses. Joshua frowns.

"Cardinal is planning to come after you. Why? Because they're assholes," Mingyu laughs at Minghao's bluntness, "You know them. They want fun. They want to throw themselves in a fight that they shouldn't even be in. It was just between us. Remember?" Minghao folds his lips together, "Like I said, I didn't leave you. They took me away from you when I tried to go back. But I'm okay," It's attempted nonchalantness, but Mingyu can faintly see Minghao slide his hand across his neck to cover the burnt rose, "My heart stands with you," He says, "And my soul stands with Cerise,"

Mingyu's lip quivers.

He misses him so much.... So, so much.

"Don't worry, okay?" Minghao hums, still wary of his surroundings, "I'll be home soon," Minghao smiles sweetly, never mind the hot tears in his eyes, "I love you, Gyu, I really do,"

Minghao stares into the lens for another moment or 2 before footsteps can be heard in the background.

Joshua, Mingyu, and Jihoon watch as he hurriedly turns off the camera.

The screen goes black.

And— silence.

Jihoon lets out a breath he didn't realize he had held inside, "So, he's—"

"He's with us," Mingyu says, sniffling as he inhales deeply, "He's always been with us,"

"Well," Joshua grins from ear to ear, "We got ourselves a mole, you guys," He chuckles.

Mingyu shudders, resting his head on his arms in relief as he leans over. Despite getting stabbed and stuffed with a USB, he's never been so thankful in his life.

Minghao's been on his side all along.

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