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| Chapter Forty - One — Riki when I catch you Riki |

"We can't just barge in there without weapons!" Eunchae grips Riki's shoulder, pulling him away right before he reaches the entrance.

Riki shrugs her off, "He's like a father to me!" He screams, looking over at Jungwon too. He was talking to both of them, "Just because my biological dad sucked ass and died doesn't mean this one has to,"

Jungwon cringes, "Jesus, that's not what we're saying, Riki-yah,"

"He'd want us to be safe, sunbae," Eunchae explains, fingers still resting on the boy's shoulder, "There's a random gang in there with him, too. He's strong and he knows what he's doing. I know we came here to save him but I'm— We're telling you," She swallows, "We are not ready right now,"

"Of all times," Jungwon chuckles in disbelief, "This is why Seokmin hyung said we should've kept at least 1 gun on us—"

"We're supposed to seem as normal teens!" Eunchae groans, "We can't just go carrying around guns in public!"

"We're not normal teens, might I remind you?!" Jungwon screams.

"But we have to pass as—"

"Where'd he go?" Jungwon cuts her off.

Eunchae turns her head.

Riki was gone.

"O-Oh my god," She immediately runs after him, only to come to a harsh halt when Jungwon pulls her back by the arm, "You can't go in there! You'll die without any—"

"He'll die!" Eunchae's voice wavers as she tugs her arm away, "He. Will. Die." She tells Jungwon, shaking her head, "I'm going,"

Jungwon stands there for a moment or two as if to decide what to do, a low, grumbled curse slipping past his lips.

It's cold inside the prison. The first thing Eunchae sees is a dead body.... then another, then another, then even more—

There was blood everywhere.

Eunchae holds a hand to her chest to calm her heartbeat, ignoring the lost souls around her and chasing after Riki in the only direction she could assume he had gone in.

She tries not to get disgusted at all the shit that spews from the many locked up criminals' mouths as she runs past their cells, tries to ignore the fear of losing Riki that overpowers her very will to care about what happens to her.

She doesn't know where Jungwon is, or if he even followed her inside.

"Sunbae!" She cups the sides of her mouth and shouts over the hollers of the prisoners.

"Looking for that blondie?" A low, husky voice asks suddenly.

Eunchae looks to her left, swallowing a the sight of what seemed to be a middle aged woman. Her hair was a bit ratty, and it sounded like she'd smoked 10 packs of cigarettes in the past hour. Eunchae doesn't say anything about that, though, "You saw him?"

"Sure, I did," The woman coughs, nodding as she smacks her lips. Eunchae frowns at the chunkiness in the woman's throat, "Went right, just take that right down there, honey,"

Eunchae bows slightly, already running in that direction, "Thank you, Ajumma!"

But, Riki had gone left.

The woman lied.

A floor up, Mingyu leant on Joshua as the older helped him walk. Mingyu thinks the dagger might've been laced with something because god did he feel a little weird right now. It's like the inside of his body was itching.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now