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| Chapter Twenty - Two — Icicle |

"HE'S GONE???"


Joshua groans, "And I don't know how! There's no way he just walked up out of here! There were multiple guards surrounding the house! And the block! And the whole neighborhood!"

Mingyu slumps his shoulders, tugging on the tie around his neck. It feels like it's choking him, "I just got him back, I—" He sighs shakily, "I just got him back and now he's fucking gone and you let it happen!"

"Me?" Joshua scoffs.

"Yes! I put you in charge of us!"

The door barges open suddenly. Joshua and Mingyu don't even flinch.

"It's all because your ass suddenly forgot how to lead!" It's Sunoo— It's Sunoo and he's pissed, "Ever since he's disappeared you've been hooked on him and hooked on him only! You've completely tossed your gang in the trash, so why should we listen to you?!"

"You dare speak to me like that?!" Mingyu clenches his jaw so hard he's sure it'll be sore later, "Know your fucking place, Kim."

Sunoo scoffs, "You act all high and mighty when deep down this entire gang knows you're not fit to lead us," He spits, "Just because your father was thrown in jail and you were the only one with enough power to take over doesn't mean you're any better. We had no choice but to give you that title. We do all the work!"

Joshua cringes, "Sunoo-yah, let's not—"

"No! I'm sick of him!" Sunoo rolls his eyes, continuing, "Sunbae, ever since your boy's come back all you've been talking about is him, him, and him! You've left your people in the dirt, forgetting about the fact that we have to stay hidden from the authorities just as much as we have to keep up with our missions! You've forgotten our responsibilities and if you ask me, that's far from leader like. You didn't even care when one of your members showed up dead literally because of Minghao!"

Mingyu takes a step forward, "Stand down."

"For what? Telling the truth?" Sunoo steps closer as well, too tired to be afraid, "Face up to reality, sunbae. You're the one who's forgotten your place. None of us."


Joshua's even at a loss.

Sunoo sighs, "I'm the one who took down security on this place," He admits, "I told them to leave the neighborhood unsupervised so he could escape— told them it was your order."

A bombshell.

"Kim Sunoo!" Joshua shrieks.

But before Mingyu gets the chance to respond with anything, the door to his home is barging open again, "Sunbaenim!"

"Now is not the time, Hansol." Mingyu grunts, without even looking away from Sunoo, his hand held up in a warning.

"You don't understand!" It's then when everybody takes notice on just how spooked the man looks.

"Wait what's wrong?" Joshua asks, concerned with Hansol's harsh breathing.

"Y-Your father—" Hansol panics, leaning against the wall for support as he stares at Mingyu in full on terror, "W-We just got word that your father has escaped from prison. Just last night. He killed 7 people in the process. 3 inmates and 4 prison guards."

Mingyu goes terrifyingly mute.

The silence stretches on so long any of the others are suddenly too afraid to break it.

Mingyu swallows, "Fine," He closes his eyes briefly, "As of now, I will allow no distractions," He says.

Sunoo furrows his brows, "What are you saying?" He blinks, "You're not gonna kill me?"

"Of course not," Mingyu shakes his head, sighing softly, "I've grown to realize that I mean nothing to Minghao. He knows all the shit I went through to get him back, yet, he disappears at the first chance he gets."

Sunoo frowns, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You've opened my eyes," Mingyu pats the youngest's shoulder, "Thank you."

"So what do we do now?" Joshua asks, "We've stolen the Cerise leader who, might I add, is now on the loose, so I'm sure the gang are on their way here now if they haven't been already." He explains, "And now your father," Joshua's voice breaks, breath shallow himself, "God knows who else is after us."

Mingyu nods, trying to hide the pure panic that's flooding throughout his veins.

This is the first time he doesn't know what the fuck to do.

In fact, he's speechless.

"Suit up and gather a gang roundup. Carmine has a lot to discuss," He instructs, taking a shaky breath, "As of now, Xu Minghao means nothing to this gang and shall be treated as no other than a Cerise member."

"Woah, what?" Joshua's eyes blow wide, "You're practically telling us to kill him."

Mingyu's just glad the tears that threaten to spill don't actually do, "If that's what it takes," His mouth keeps spilling orders that his brain still doesn't understand, "Based on his actions, I'm a useless toy he's grown bored of. It's time for a little payback."

Why is he saying this?

"Mingyu," Sunoo swallows, "You... You sound like your father." He doesn't like it, "This isn't what I wanted when I—"

"It doesn't matter." Mingyu shakes his head, "I've given you my orders and you'll follow through will them or you'll be considered just as bad as a Cerise member. I'll be forced to remove your tattoo and dispose of you quietly. So, like I was saying," He glares at all 3 of them, "Round up the gang. We're attacking."

It takes a couple moments, but they all acknowledge that they understand, leaving without another word.

Mingyu's left alone with his thoughts, finding each one of them like jabs through the heart.

If Minghao hated him this bad, who was he to not return to favor?

Frankly, he's so fucking tired of caring.

After all, having been raised in the household he was, turning off feelings was so easy.

Mingyu guesses that's the one good gene he ever inherited from his father.

They'd have their reunion soon enough.

The Aged | Gyuhao (Sequel to Youth)Where stories live. Discover now